Words of the day

Acknowledge: To accept or admit the existence of.

Alternative: One or more things available as another possibility.

Anecdote: A short story about a real incident or person.

Appropriate: Suitable or proper.

Avert: To turn away.

Candid: Truthful or straightforward.

Compel: Forced to do something.

Comply: To obey a wish or command.

Concise: Giving a lot of info clearly, but in a few words, very brief and comprehensive.

Drastic: Extremely severe.

Dialogue: Conversation between two people.

Erratic: Unpredictable

Extensive: Covering or affecting a large area.

Forfeit: To give up, surrender, or quit something.

Fortify: To strengthen something.

Illuminate: To lighten up or brighten something.

Isolate: A person or place separated or alone from others.

Refuge: Being safe or sheltered from danger.

Reminisce: To remember past events.

Urban: Characteristic of a city.

Delete: To eliminate or get rid of.

Impartial: Not biased, treating or affecting all equally.

Integrity: Quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

Legitimate: To be real or true.

Lenient: To go easy on, merciful, or tolerant.

Menace: A person or thing to likely cause harm, danger, or threatens others.

Morale: Having a strong emotional or mental capacity during times of struggle.

Naive: Unaware, lack of knowledge.

Overt: Not a secret, not hidden, done openly.

Undermine: To damage or weaken someone or something.

Agenda: A plan, List, or outline of things that need to be completed, considered, or spoken upon.

Antidote: Medicine taken or given to counteract a poison or illness.

Apathy: Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Bland: Lacking strong features or characteristics, uninteresting.

Propaganda: The spreading of ideas, info, or rumor for the purpose of helping or harming a place, cause, group, or person.

Prospect: 1) The possibility of a future event occurring.

2) A person seen as likely to succeed or seen as a potential customer, friend, client, etc.

Radical: Something that is extreme or impressive, out of normal boundaries.

Reinforce: To strengthen or support.

Relevant: Closely connected or appropriate to what is being considered or done.

Ruthless: Having or showing no compassion or pity for others.

Endorse: Declaring one's public approval or support of.

Erode: To gradually destroy, wear out, or fade away.

Gruesome: Extremely unpleasant, repulsive, grisly, and or horrifying.

Hypocrite: A person who's actions contradict their own statements, beliefs, or feelings.

Idealistic: Unrealistically aiming for perfection, a desire, or a need.

Illusion: Appearing deceptive, wrongly perceived, or misinterpreted by the senses.

Impact: 1) The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.

2) Having a strong effect on someone or something.

Imply: To strongly suggest the truth or existence of.

Novice: A person new to or inexperienced in a field or situation, a beginner.

Concede: To surrender, give up.

Conservative: Holding to traditional values and cautious about changing them.

Denounce: Stating that something is blameworthy, evil, or to terminate someone or something.

Deter: To prevent the occurrence of something from happening.

Disclose: To make new or secret information publicly known.

Scapegoat: A person who is blamed for the issues, mistakes, or faults of others.

Superficial: Appearing to be true or real only until examined more closely.

Sustain: To strengthen or support either psychically or mentally.

Transition: The process of changing from one state or condition to another.

Compensate: To make an appropriate and usually equivalent payment to.

Conceive: To form an idea, purpose, opinion, or plan within one's mind.

Derive: To take, receive, or obtain especially from a specified source.

Diversity: A range of different things; variety.

Inhibit: To prevent or restrain an action or process.

Moderate: Average in amount, intensity, quality, or difficulty.

Supplement: Something that completes or enhances something else when added to it.

Surpass: To exceed, advance; to be greater than the previous state.

Tentative: Not certain

Verify: To make sure or demonstrate that something is true. accurate, or justified.

Alter: To change.

Ample: More than enough in size or quantity, plentiful.

Straightforward: Uncomplicated and easy to understand.

Chronic: Occurring continuously, again and again for a long time.

Chronological: Going in sequential order, starting with the earliest.

Optimist: A person who tends to be hopeful and confident about the future or success of something.

Pretense: An attempt to make something that is false appear true.

Prolong: To extend the duration of something.

Refrain: To stop oneself from doing something.

Remorse: Deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.

Acute: Sharp or severe in effect; intense, crucial, critical or extremely serious.

Anonymous: Not named or identified.

Apprehensive: Fearful or anxious that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

Arrogant: Having a sense of superiority, self-importance, and entitlement.

Bestow: 1) To put to use

2) To put in a particular or appropriate place

3) To convey as a gift to someone or something.

Donor: A person who donates something to a person, a charity, or an organization.

Phobia: An extreme or irrational fear to something.

Prominent: Important or well known.

Prudent: Acting with or showing care and thoughtful for the future.

Recipient: A person or thing that receives or is awarded something.

Accessible: A place or location that is able to be reached or entered.

Awe: An overwhelming feeling of admiration or fear that is produced by or from something extremely powerful and/or shocking.

Cite: A quote used as evidence for explanation of an argument or statement, especially in school-related work.

Compatible: Capable of existing together in peace, without conflict.

Exempt: Free from an obligation or liability imposed on others.

Prevail: Proving to be more powerful than opposing forces, to be victorious.

Propel: To cause something to move forward or onward.

Rational: Having reason or understanding.

Retort: 1) To return.

2) To make a reply to.

Retrieve: To get or bring something back; regaining possession of.

Dubious: To hesitate or doubt someone or something, not to be relied upon, suspicious.

Ecstatic: Feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement.