Grading Policy

The Graphic Design grading rubric will establish the determination of grades. Grading is based on the following structure:

PROJECTS - 65% *I heavily consider 3 main things in assessing student design work, but in general, projects will be assessed on the following five criteria and whenever possible I will provide rubric for each design project: Exemplary, Proficient, Partially Proficient, and Incomplete work.

  • *OBJECTIVE Does work meet the objectives as stated by the teacher at the beginning of the project?
  • *CREATIVITY novel and unique solutions to assigned problems, how original is the artwork?
  • *EFFORT visible in the work and/or demonstrated in class; spent quality time on work and guided practices in each class session?
  • CRAFTSMANSHIP the degree of skill and clarity (neatness) by which the student uses/practices.
  • COMPOSITION selecting and organizing the elements of art in a piece of artwork so that it works together as a whole.

PARTICIPATION - 20% Practice & Participation grades will be given based on the following: Each student starts with 50 points per week; 10pts/day. If your participation is in question, it will reduce your grade for the week. (Any extra credit opportunities given, will reflect positively in your participation grade, because you have chosen to take your learning beyond the classroom.)

  • Attendance- students who miss class will be expected to make up work.
  • Effort
  • Critiques/Assessments
  • Activity & Guided Practice

PROFESSIONALISM - 10% (Behavior/Habits)

  • Timeliness to class
  • Preparedness for class
  • Focus in class
  • Treatment of Peers & Lab environment

HOMEWORK - 5% May include:

  • Notebook Sketches
  • Written Critiques