Important Forms

Physical Form: The physical has 3 components that are essential and required for the form to be submitted and accepted to participate.

  1. The front page must be completed by a parent or legal guardian completely and accurately to participate.
  2. The upper two-thirds portion of the back page must be completed entirely by your physician or other certified medical profession and then signed, dated, and he/she should include a phone number should clarification be needed or questions arise.
  3. The bottom third of the back page must be completed by a parent or guardian and must be signed, dated, and he/she should include your address and phone number should questions or concerns arise or clarification be needed.

Code of Conduct & Insurance Form: This form combines 2 crucial components of Oskaloosa's Student-Athlete sports paperwork packet. These forms are often inaccurately completed so please review the notes below and review your responses before submitting the packet.

  • The top half of the form must contain the student’s name, grade, and signature, along with the date this form was completed. After the first four lines are complete then the student’s parent or guardian must sign the Parent/Guardian’s Signature Line. These signatures indicate that you have reviewed the most recent Good Conduct Code for Oskaloosa Middle School and agree to abide by these expectations. Lastly, please indicate the activities and athletics the student intends to participate in during the 2019-2020 school year.
  • The second half of the form must be completed either above or below the ---OR---. If above the ---OR--- then you are indicating that the student is covered by insurance and you must include the Insurance Company Name and Policy Number. If below the ---OR--- then you are indicating that your student is not covered by insurance and you must include their name and your name too. Lastly a parent or guardian must sign next to the Parent Signature Line in addition to signing the upper portion.

Concussion Form: It is important that you take your mental and physical health and wellbeing very seriously so please be sure to read the Heads Up paperwork and if you understand the risks associated with your sports and activities and still wish to compete then be certain that the student and a parent/guardian complete the lower portion in order to compete. This includes the student's name, signature (date signed), grade, and school, as well as, a parent/guardian's signature (date signed).

Health Card: It is important that you take your time and complete the Health and Injury Information and Consent Card, more commonly referred to as the Med Card. Include any and all pertinent information as it pertains to a students health and wellbeing, don’t leave anything out that may be important. You can resubmit if information changes throughout the year, and don’t forget to have a parent/guardian sign and date it.

Travel Release.pdf

Travel Release Form: This form is to notify and to verify that an athlete will be released from the Oskaloosa Middle School Coaching Staff and the district’s responsibility therefore removing any liability for any adverse results that may occur. It is the Oskaloosa Board of Education's expectation that students ride the buses to and from all activities and a travel release from must be completed if this is not the case. Parents must complete the form and certify that they are either personally transporting the student or have arrangements for transportation with another adult (non-student) of parent/legal guardian's choosing. The reason for this request must be sufficiently urgent to meet family needs in order to justify not riding the bus, and this form must be signed by the Activity Director or Principal and given to the athlete's coach or activity sponsor prior to the dismissal of school on the day of the contest.

Sports Sign-Ups Form: Students must complete this Google Form using their Oskaloosa School E-mail address. The sign-up form needs to include every sport you intend to play this school year, and if this changes then you'll simply submit another form. I'll share the results or rosters with your coaches so that they may have names and positions of their student-athletes as soon as possible.