STAAR   After School Program 


Our mission is to enrich the lives of our students with success through academics and role models. We cultivate children's individual creativity through visual art, drama, dance, film, photography, music, academics, and culinary arts. We maintain a high quality program with trained staff that provides personal attention.

The STAAR after school program offers quality academic enrichment, homework opportunity, team sports, physical activities, and nutrition education, while maintaining a fun and safe atmosphere for our students.



We believe enrichment activities expand on students' learning in ways that differ from the methods used during the school day. By being interactive and project-focused. This enhances a student's education by bringing new concepts to light or by using old concepts in new ways. These activities are fun for the students, but they also impart knowledge. They allow the students to apply knowledge and skills stressed in school to real-life experiences.

Homework OPPORTUNITY- this activity provides a Quiet supervised place for students to work on their homework. (60 mins)

Recreation - These activities allow students time to relax or play. Sports, games, and clubs fall into this category. Also academic aspects of recreation activities can be pointed out, but the primary lessons Learned in recreational activities are in the areas of social skills, teamwork, leadership, competition, and discipline.  

STAAR Podcast

If you have any questions, please contact our Site Director, Mr. Mark Henry at 760-901-8966 room J4. Sign up through the link below.