Room K-3


We would first like to say how much we miss all of our students and families. We hope you all are doing well and staying healthy. While we are waiting to get back to being with our students, we have created this site of activities to work on at home. Our goal is to maintain skills learned during the year. The activities and modified schedules on this site are optional and please use only to help support what you are doing at home.

Please click on the links above for pages that have great read alouds and songs from our class staff. There is also a link to a Common Core Aligned Curriculum that we use in class.

Important Information

I can be reached by e-mail at Our classroom phone number is 760-435-7475.

I am available to talk by phone or set up a virtual meeting. I will also check e-mail regularly and respond as soon as possible.

Resources for Families

Morning Circle - Songs and Attendance

Below you will find a link to some of our morning songs that our students love. After a couple of days you will find yourself singing along.

After singing the songs, we would do morning attendance. At home, you can write your child's name on a piece of paper and have them say each letter or point along with you as you say it. Next, you would have them practice saying Good Morning to each person in the house.

If this is something you plan to do daily. It would be fun to decorate the name page with drawings or stickers that you create together.

Morning Exercise Break

This would be a great time to get a quick brain break in. We usually do 10 - 15 minutes of GoNoodle. Below is a link to a couple of songs our kids love. You can also go to GoNoodle and you can sign up for a free parent account. I am also including some other activities that might be helpful. We will be changing the songs weekly.


During math rotations we work on number sense, addition, subtraction and individual IEP goals. We can go over individual student needs during office hours, in the mean time, here are a few activities and links to videos.

Ideas for home...

Practice counting up to 100 objects. This will vary by student but even if you count higher than they are able it is great experience for them.

Practice making combinations of up to 10 things and describe what they did: "3 and 4 makes a group of 7."

Practice identifying numbers. This can be done on scratch paper you have around home, from books or magazines, or if you index cards you can create your own flash cards.

Practice building a group and taking some away: "nine minus four leaves five."

Practice writing numbers up to 20 or beyond. You can download free writing pages on the internet. You can also have fun with this and practice writing in shaving cream, sand, or making numbers with play dough.

Math songs with some movement

Recess/Movement Break

Make sure you are getting in enough exercise. This would be a good time to go on a walk if possible. You can also put on music and dance around the living room. Below are a couple of links for Yoga or movement activities

Language Arts

All of our student are at different levels for Language Arts. We are providing a few ideas and activities for you to do at home. As with Math, we can go over individual needs during office hours. During that time we can discuss work that I can e-mail to you.

Ideas for home...

Read Together. You can read any book in English or Spanish. Point to pictures, talk about each page, ask your child what might happen next in the story.

Sing songs together.

See how many things you can find around your home that start with the /__/ sound. FILL IN THE SOUND.

Look out the window and make a list of what you see. Practice the first sound of each word.

This is a great site with many wonderful stories read aloud by celebrities and authors. Our class favorite is I Need My Monster By Amanda Noll

Scholastic Learn at Home

This site has great ideas and lessons for 20 days of reading with your child at home.

If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will find a variety of lesson for different grade levels.

Alphabet and Phonics Songs

Sesame Street Alphabet

The video is pretty long but our students love it. We love watching them dance and act out the songs.

Here are some Alphablocks Videos for Phonics- We will change these weekly

Here are some Bearfoot Books sing-alongs. These are fun sing along stories!

Lunch/Movement Break/Rest

Slow Cooker Applesauce

September is all about apples. Enjoy this weeks recipe and fill out the reflection that was in your packet of work.

This would be a great time for a break and to sit down together. Maybe they can help you prepare lunch. Kids love to help in any way. This can be as simple as handing you the ingredients, helping you stir or prepare items, or following a recipe with you. We have access to many visual recipes and I would love to share them with you. Keep an eye on this section as we will post one each week.

Fine Motor/Arts/Crafts/

In the afternoon, our students are really tired. This is where will fill the rest of the day with fun fine motor activities. We usually complete Thematic lessons that include stories, academics and crafts in a fun learning environment. At this time I am not able to upload that program to our site. I am waiting for approval from the creator of the lessons. If I do get approval, we will share them with you.

Ideas for home...

Please take advantage of this time continue practicing writing their names. Students can either trace from large print or small print, copy or write first and last name. Each student is at a different level and I can talk with you individually if you need ideas.

Print coloring pages of your child's favorite characters and color a page with them.

Put dry beans in a bowl and have students use a pincher grasp to transfer them to another bowl.

Fill a large bowl or plastic shoe box with rice or beans and hide small items inside. Have your child search for the items and then have fun counting or talking about each item.

Bird Feeders: Make one for you and one for the birds!

You can make a "bird feeder" that is safe to eat by replacing the birdseed in the recipie with your favorite cereal or granola!

Resources and Updates

Fun things to do at home.pdf