2021 Fall Challenge

Fall 2021

Fall 2021 Wellness Points Program

Stars Sticker
AHA Personal Health Survey Icon
Open Enrollment Icon
Flu Shot Icon
Preventive Care Icon
Health Challenges Icon
Google Currents Icon
COVID Vaccinations Icon
About Benefits Classes Icon
VEBA Classes Icon
Financial Fitness Icon
Stars Sticker

During the 8-week Fall 2021 Wellness Points Program, employees could participate in the free wellness classes, events, and activities in order to earn points. At end of the challenge, their points were tallied and those who met the level goals earned opportunities to win gift cards!

Oceanside USD Wellness Points Program_Fall 2021_091721_(Points).pdf


Level 1

300 - 399 Points

$10 Gift Cards

Level 2

400-599 Points

$25 Gift Cards

Level 3

600-799 Points

$50 Gift Card

Level 4

800-1,000 Points

$75 Gift Card

Wise@Work Mental Fitness

Employees sailed away to peace by completing at least 20 wellness modules on the Wise@Work app in October 2021. Participants could choose how long they wanted to listen and participate in one of the wellness modules. Those who met the program goal earned 200 Fall 2021 Wellness Program Points and entry into a raffle to receive free premium access to the app for a year!

Wise@Work Program Results

Updated 03.01.2022 sv