Ms. Alice's 4th Grade 2019-20

Hi kids!!! How are you? Strange school year, right??? Oh well, I know I am not worried! I know all my students will rise to the challenge of ONLINE LEARNING. I have been working hard to create a place where you can come and feel a little better about what your school day is like. Our class will be doing lots of learning that you are familiar with like STMath or Imagine Learning. We will slowly introduce new assignments, like working on iReady, listening and responding to podcasts with Listenwise, shared reading and then responding on a Google document. You will even be creating videos as assignments! I am so proud of all of you and I can't wait to see where we will go with our online learning. Stay safe, remember social distancing, and wash your hands!

Please see sample schedules below.

Hi!! I've created a account for us. Username is laurellearners and the password is Sproul19-20!

closure schedule
closure schedule Spanish