Unit 0.1 - Getting Started & Some Essentials

Challenge Perspective & Review Prior Learning

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BEFORE Watching the video...

BEFORE watching the video, fill in the blank below.
Jot down multiple answers.

Math is _________. (one word)

Perspective & Review

The bottom line is this; memorizing "math" is counter-productive to understanding. Ask yourself, what math is?
This unit is to get us ready for Grade 10 Academic Math and discover that math is not about calculations, equations, formulas, and finding an answer. Curiosity, creativity, asking questions, and "outside the box" thinking is critical to deepen your understanding of the world around you. Math is no different.

When you go to the gym to build muscle, and make your body work, you eventually get stronger. Your brain is a muscle that needs to be worked hard in order to realize gains. BUT, too much work, too quickly or for too long will diminish results. 

Playing the piano, learning to juggle, completing a video game, and participating in sport require practice. This practice is to improve your skills. Math is no different.

Wait a minute....WHAT?

Does 0.99999... equal 1?

Let me try to prove it to you .......[ C O M I N G   S O O N ]

Let's go way back to the beginning .... 


Add/Subtract Integers


Add/Subtract Fractions

Multiply/Divide Integers

Multiply Fractions

Divide Fractions

Scientific Notation

Click Below to Complete this Integer Activity

Click Below to Complete the Fraction Challenge

Hidden secret to understanding the world...

Ask Why It Works, Don't Memorize.

BEDMAS/GEMA , LCM/GCF, Division by 0, "Shortcuts" & why they work.......[ C O M I N G   S O O N ]
Infinity , zero, what happens if, Pi, Buffin.......[ C O M I N G   S O O N ]

Growth Mindset


Math is NOTGenetic

It is a learned skill like any other

Improve Math Skills

How can you improve your math skills?!

No one is born with math ability and the reality is, it's a skill like any other skill that requires effort, practice, and perseverance.

Skills Practice

Next Up: 1.1 Algebra Review

Additional "Food for Thought" / Extra Resources

Math as a Sense

Math as a Language

Discovered or Invented?

Think you can Multi-Task?

Next Up: 0.2 Algebra Review