Mrs. Richards - Osceola HS English


Feel free to email any time at or call me at

715-294-2127 ext. 4107.

This chump wasn't going to let me into the Resistance. 🚀

English Class Goal:

※ READ to be enriched by the beauty of literature and informed about significant societal matters;

WRITE to express the poetry of your ideas and offer important communications;

※ SPEAK to use your voice as an artistic medium and a powerful persuader;

Use LANGUAGE that wows us and is (usually--creative license allowed) conventional and respectable.

Grade Scale:

93-100 A

90-92 A-

87-89 B+

83-86 B

80-82 B-

77-79 C+

73-76 C

70-72 C-

67-69 D+

63-66 D

60-62 D-

59 or lower F

What's graded?:  

➡️ 10th grade: 20% formative+80% summative. Grades 11-12: 100% Summative assessments: I will be following the practice of other teachers in grading summative assessments (tests, major essays, unit-end projects, etc.).

➡️ Formative (practice) assignments must be completed to reassess for improved summative scores.

➡️ Summative assessments are mandatory for course completion. 

Late-work practices:

➡️ Maximum of 90% possible, with a maximum of a week to turn in. Be in contact with me if you have a conflict.

Retake practices:

➡️ To re-do a summative assessment and improve your grade, please plan to: >Meet with me during WYN time with a completed re-do request form, also having completed all unit formative assignments.

Academic integrity practices: 

➡️ First offense: Opportunity to re-do at 75% max grade. Second offense: Zero on assignment and possible removal from course.

About me

⬅️⬅️⬅️A former student drew this to insist that I do, in fact, drink "that much tea." (I do, I do; it cannot be denied.) Numi Gunpowder Green is my daily teaching go-to. But black gets me going in the morning, too, and I'm also a sucker for good coffee, like that available at Osceola's local Watershed Cafe.

I am originally from the Dakota border where I grew up on and around family farms, reading while hidden in the hay bales, playing some basketball, and performing theatre. I went to college for Writing at a Minnesota State school and, after working in that field for a few years, felt the pull to teach. I attended Bethel College in St. Paul for my Master's in the subject and have been teaching for over twenty years now. Where did the time go?!

I have lived in northwestern Wisconsin for most of my adult life. I currently reside on an acreage of fields, forest, and water with my husband, daughter, Golden retriever, cats who have wandered our way, and an assortment of wild creatures that set up outside our windows.

I love to travel, write (my latest work appeared in the Times of San Diego and is forthcoming in Red Cedar), read, watch eclectic movies and shows, hike, kayak, cook, and fish. I can't wait to get to know you!


  I will post more resources as we dive deeper into the year. Stay tuned. 📻

Creative Writing

11th English Literature

Mrs. Jodi Richards 📚 📚 715-294-2127 ext. 4107