School Psychologist

Contact Information

Erin Graff

Phone: (715) 294-2800 ext. 2101

About Me

Hello from your School Psychologist! I am excited to be working with the Osceola Elementary and High School staff, students and families this year. I look forward to collaborating with you all to help support the students of Osceola School District academically and with their social-emotional needs. I can work with general education students doing prevention and intervention activities, as well as with students receiving special education services. In this role, I frequently collaborate with teachers about how to support struggling students. My job is to figure out how students learn best and see what is helping them and what is getting in the way of their learning.

I am on site at Osceola Elementary School on Monday and Wednesday and on site at Osceola High School on Tuesday and Thursday. Friday's, I will be at both buildings (time may vary). I will make every effort to be on-site on the appointed days. However, there are sometimes unavoidable scheduling conflicts, and I may need to make some minor changes throughout the year. My office at the Elementary School is across from the Kindergarten hallway. My office at the High School is in the library. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to give me a call or send me an email at the contacts listed above.

Who are School Psychologists?

Mrs. Graff - School Psychologist's Office

Check out my Bitmoji Classroom!

Roles & Values

Data-Based Decision Making and Accountability

    • Facilitate data collection procedures, monitor classroom effectiveness, implement psycho-educational assessments, and use evidence-based resources to implement services

Family-School Consultation and Collaboration

    • Promote effective communication, teamwork and collaboration among families, teachers, community providers at the individual, classroom, school, or systems levels when planning, implementing, and evaluating all instructional, and mental and behavioral health services

Interventions and Instructional Support to Develop Academic Skills

    • Collect data on biological, cultural, and social influences on academic skills, cognitive, and developmental processes

Interventions and Mental Health Services to Develop Social and Life Skills

    • Provide mental and behavioral health services, including individual and group counseling, behavioral coaching, positive behavioral supports, and parent education.

    • Behavioral and mental health services go hand in hand with academic and learning goals for students. Poor student academic outcomes may reflect lagging skills in appropriate life skills such as self-regulation, planning, organization, empathy, social skills, and decision making.

Professional Practice

    • Assist school employees and parents in comprehending legal and ethical regulations applicable to general and special education. As a School Psychologist, my time is devoted to being a life-long learner and seeking professional development opportunities that enhance my expertise.

For more information on School Psychologists go to: