Superintendent's message

For decades, the Osceola community has graciously supported the mission of the Osceola School District of creating lifelong learners who will have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to lead productive lives in a democratic and sustainable society. The District is proud of the support the Osceola community has provided over the years to sustain programs and offerings for students.

We are honored to have outstanding teachers and support staff. They are our most valuable asset for creating well-rounded students by delivering high quality instruction, creating relationships that offer social and emotional support, and engaging students in clubs and activities outside the classroom.

We are very appreciative of the support from the community to allow our buildings and grounds staff to continue to keep our buildings clean, safe and modernized. We truly have the best facilities in the area. We are fortunate to still have our custodial, transportation and food service departments under our local control and not contract for those services.

All students must graduate college and career ready for our community to remain strong. Through the visionary focus of the School Board and Administration, the District has continued to provide reasonable class sizes, up-to-date technology infrastructure, along with using best and next practices related to curriculum and technology integration to prepare students for their future endeavors. Students needing advanced curriculum are fortunate to have access to Advanced Placement courses, STEM and PLTW, Fine Arts, two Foreign Language options, and Career and Technical Education (CTE), which includes Agriculture, Business, Technology Education, and Family and Consumer Education.

Community support on April 2, 2019 will provide the financial means needed for continuing high quality programming for all of our students and carry forward the working partnership between the School District of Osceola and the Osceola community


Mark Luebker, Superintendent