Leveled Homework

As you know each student is unique and has different learning needs than their peers. In my classroom each student will receive homework that is appropriate for them and their current learning needs. For reading, some students will require more reading practice materials to use at home than others, depending on their reading skills and abilities. This allows each child to receive what they need and helps them master the skills necessary to be successful.

If you child needs extra practice in math, I will send home extra skill sheets for them to practice.

Assignment Sheet

I will be sending home a monthly reading log. It will be in your child’s folder on the homework side. This is your child’s reading homework each night. If your child needs additional math skill practice, I will include that on the homework side as well. Otherwise, their only homework is their reading log. Please check your child’s folder each night and KEEP their reading log in their folder so they can earn stickers each day on their reading reward chart.

Take-Home Folder

The folder will be marked inside letting you know what is “homework” and what can “stay at home”. During the school year, I will include important papers on the “homework” side such as field trip notes, newsletters, grade card (to be signed and returned), etc.

Parent and Teacher Communication

Phone Call- School # 816-675-2217

You are always welcome to call me here at school during school hours and leave a message. I will try and return your call as soon as I can. I am involved with after school activities as well so there may be days when I return a call later in the afternoon or even evening.

Email- my school e-mail is: tanya.meservey@osbornwildcats.org

Note- you can always put a note in your child’s homework folder. I will check their folder each morning before school starts.


I will be sending newsletters home throughout the school year, with important information on them so please look for these in your child’s take-home folder.

Math Fact Tests

During the school year, your child will take math fact tests. The tests will not be based on how fast they can do the problems but rather can they can do them independently and get them correct. Each student will have a different fact test based on where he/she is with their math facts. For example, some students may be working on addition facts while there are others that have mastered addition and are working on subtraction facts. Once your child can fluently add and subtract single digit numbers your child will move onto the next set of math facts. Students will get to move onto the next set of math facts once he/she has got a 90% or higher two times and demonstrated good fluency on those math facts.

If a student takes a fact test and it is obvious the test was too easy for him/her, that student will be given the opportunity to move up on the fact chart; in order to determine which set of facts is more on their instructional level.

Grading Policy

We will be using a 4 step scale rather than giving a % for each subject area on the report card. In order to earn a 4, a student has to exceed the goal and be working far beyond grade level expectations. Students can earn up to a 4 in writing only and so if your child receives a 3 in other areas on their grade card, that is considered the highest score they can earn for those skill areas. Students will be graded through teacher observation, short tests, checklists, and/or rubrics; in order to determine if your child has mastered a skill in that subject area. This allows you to know which individual skills your child has mastered and which ones he/she is still needing to learn and practice. Each quarter, your child will have a new set of skills they are working towards.

Classroom Prizes- Wildcat Dollars

Students will have an opportunity during the year to earn prizes from my class store. During the day students are given Wildcat dollars for doing various things like being a good listener, helping others, following directions in class and / or special class, etc. Students can spend their Wildcat dollars in our class store.

Book It Reading Program

We participate in a reading incentive program called Book It which is sponsored by Pizza Hut. It is during the months of October-March. ** One completed reading log will count as their “Book It reading log” for that month and they will receive their pizza certificate. Students that participate all 6 months will earn a pizza / movie party.

Birthday Policy

We will recognize birthdays each month in our classroom. You are welcome to send birthday treats with your child to school. Treats MUST be prepackaged. Unfortunately, we cannot accept homemade treats at this time. We will celebrate your child’s birthday sometime during the day. We begin the year celebrating August birthdays. Summer birthdays (June, July) are celebrated in May.

Classroom Snacks / Parties

Due to the Covid 19 situation, we can only accept prepackaged, store bought treats for our classroom at this time. Thank you for your understanding.