23rd Annual OK Regional Braille Challenge

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Braille Challenge is the only academic competition of its kind for students who are blind or visually impaired. Braille Institute developed Braille Challenge to motivate students to practice and hone their braille literacy skills, which are essential to academic and employment success. 

All students at all academic levels are welcome to participate in the Preliminary Contest. Only students who take the Preliminary Contest in contracted braille that corresponds to their age-appropriate academic grade level will be eligible to be invited to the Finals. However, to encourage full inclusion and maximum participation in the preliminary round, a student may take any level of contest. 

Are you interested in being a contestant? 

Please have your parent/guardian complete this contestant registration. 

Contestant registration deadline is at the end of business on Thursday 16 January 2025. 

2025 Oklahoma Braille Challenge Contestant Registration 

Contest Age Groups for students competing on grade level:

Apprentice 1st and 2nd grades

Freshman 3rd and 4th grades

Sophomore 5th and 6th grades

Junior Varsity 7th, 8th and 9th grades

Varsity 10th, 11th and 12th grades

Are you interested in volunteering? 

Please contact Faye Miller by phone (918-781-8200) or email (fmiller@okdrs.gov) for a Volunteer Application.


10:00-10:30 Registration for Volunteers and Off-Campus Contestants 

10:30-10:45 Opening Ceremony in Auditorium; Group Photo 

10:45- 11:30 All Contestants: Test #1 Spelling or Speed and Accuracy 

11:30-12:10 All Contestants: Test #2 Reading Comprehension 

12:10-12:30 Lunch in Cafeteria 

12:30-12:45 Break – good weather outside in playground; bad weather inside at Recreation Center 

12:45-1:30 All Contestants: Test #3 Proofreading 

1:30-2:15 Sophomore, JV, Varsity Contestants: Test #4 Charts and Graphs &Thank You Cards 

 Apprentice and Freshman Contestants: Foundational Activities and Thank You Cards 

2:15-3:30 All Contestants: Activities with Coach Coomer and Coach Gamble 

3:30-4:00 Awards Ceremony in Auditorium

You can find Braille Challenge Sample Contests here: 


Thank you Volunteers and Sponsors!

Your time, energy, expertise and generous donations help to make this event possible!

Oklahoma School for the Blind, Braille Institute of America, American Indian College Fund Grant (Natalie Armstrong), Donations in Memory of Uncle Frank, Globe Life Liberty National, Jeri’s House, Liberty Braille, NanoPac, NewView Oklahoma, Oklahoma Chapter of AERBVI, Park Hill OHCE, Ruth Kelly Studios, Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Transcribing Mariners, Tulsa Downtown Lions Club.

Braille Challenge is a program of Braille Institute. You can learn more about their regional programs here: https://brailleinstitute.org/braille-challenge/