12th Annual Ok Regional Cane Quest

Wednesday 6 november 2024

Cane Quest® is a challenging orientation and mobility program designed for students in grades 3-12.

This competition allows students who are blind or visually impaired, and use a long white cane, to demonstrate their orientation and mobility skills. Contestants are divided into 3 categories based on age and ability. They are also classified into 2 visual classifications. 

Scouts team up with an adult volunteer and earn coins as they navigate a route that demonstrates mastery of basic orientation and mobility skills and guide techniques. Students who do not qualify under B1 or B2 visual classifications may wear a sleep shade in order to compete as a B1 in the Scouts division.

Explorers and Trailblazers contestants are given auditory instructions and are challenged to safely complete secret routes in their community using proper travel techniques and appropriate cane skills. Contestants are monitored at all times at the event by adult volunteers. 

Visual Classifications

B1: No light perception in either eye up to light perception, but inability to recognize the shape of a hand at any distance or in any direction.

B2: From ability to recognize the shape of a hand up to visual acuity of 20/600 and/or a visual field of less than 5 degrees in the best eye with the best practical eye correction.

Scouts exchange their collected coins for prizes. First, second and third place prizes will be awarded to Explorers and Trailblazers. All students receive a commemorative t-shirt and certificate for participating in Cane Quest.

Are you interested in being a contestant

Please have your parent/guardian complete a contestant registration. If you do not attend OSB, your O&M specialist will need to complete an additional form describing your O&M skills. 

Contestant registrations are open. The application deadline is Thursday 19 September 2024.

2024 Oklahoma Cane Quest Contestant Registration 

Are you interested in volunteering? 

Please contact Faye Miller by phone (918-781-8200) or email (fmiller@osb.k12.ok.us) for a Volunteer Application.

Sponsors: Thank you for your continued support Oklahoma School for the Blind Braille Institute of America Donations in Memory of Bud Holder and George Isbell Frank Dirksen Jeri’s House Lawton Council of the Blind Liberty Braille Muskogee County Health Department NanoPac Oklahoma Chapter of AERBVI Oklahoma Council of the Blind Oklahoma State University – HOP Oklahoma University Pre-ETS Ruth Kelly Studios Sapulpa Lions Club Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired Transcribing Mariners Tulsa Downtown Lions Club

Cane Quest is a program of Braille Institute. You can learn more about their regional programs here: brailleinstitute.org/cane-quest