2022 Oklahoma Regional Cane Quest

Medal Winners

Scouts Top 3 All-Stars

Explorers B1 Medalists

Explorers B2 Medalists

Trailblazers B1 Medalists

Trailblazers B2 Medalists

10th Oklahoma Regional Cane Quest 

Thirty-six cane users from across the state competed at the Oklahoma Regional Cane Quest on 4 November 2022. 

Explorers and Trailblazers, contestants in 6th through 12th grades, were judged on their use of appropriate cane skills and travel techniques on downtown routes, while Scouts, contestants in 3rd through 12th grades, competed in a variety of travel tasks on the OSB campus.

This year contestants were able to compete during a single day event thanks to the assistance of many OSB staff. Contestants traveled routes and were judged at a variety of stations that were scored by Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists from across the state, teachers of the visually impaired, and OSB Independent Living Skills instructors.

Explorer and Trailblazer contestants who were in downtown Muskogee demonstrated independent street crossing skills at traffic lights, stop signs, and across alleys and driveways. They also demonstrated their ability to use advanced cane techniques.

Scout contestants who were on the OSB campus demonstrated independent campus travel skills, including being able to safely enter a vehicle and negotiate stairs. They worked with a teammate at several stations and demonstrated their ability to use human guide effectively in different situations.

Cane Quest contestants received t-shirts, goodie bags, certificates, and prizes. The top scoring contestants also received medals for top performance in each category. Volunteers received t-shirts, goodie bags, and certificates.

Thank you to all the volunteers who gave of their time and expertise to score and work as a teammate or shadow for each of the contestants. Thank you also to Maggie Mattox who helped make certificates, printed materials, checked and double-checked lists, and helped keep everything in order.

Thank you to all of our event sponsors whose generous donations made the event possible. Their donations purchased t-shirts, medals, and prizes.