Osage COVID-19 Information

Keeping The School Safe

  Osage School believes there is nothing more important than the safety and well being of our students.  Given this Osage understands that each family will have to make decisions regarding the safety and well being of their children.  If a family feels they need to keep students home because of concerns with Corona they will need to contact Mr. Pullen to discuss their concerns and have school involvement in the decision.  Each case will be on a case by case decision based on factors that the CDC and Oklahoma State Department of Education are instructing schools to look at with families.  

 Osage has been taking steps with regards to disinfecting the school premises and working with students on washing hands.  Washing hands has been proven to be the best defense any person has against the spread of COVID-19.  Over breaks Osage will continue to disinfect all areas of the school as possible.  

 Families and staff traveling over the break are requested to notify llarmon@osageelementary.com of their travel for tracking purposes and determine if families may need to undergo a self quarantine.  

 The following steps are being followed and should address decisions that will need to be made in the upcoming weeks.

Osage School COVID-19 Plan as of 3/13/2020

1. Send home all student logins and educational websites available to students in case we need to close school.

2. Implementation of teacher links on www.osageelementary.com so students have access to educational activities in the event of a closure.  (teachers will be working on this phase over spring break and it will be implemented at the time the school closure is declared by administration).

3. Administration monitoring new information as it is available over spring break.

4. Decision to close school or convene classes after spring break.

  A.  If classes convene make decisions on large group activitie such as track, field trips, 8th grade class trip, graduations, etc.

Steps 5 and 6 only in the event of a CLOSURE:

5. Communication to families via School Messenger regarding any closures that would be necessary.

6. Provide information to families who may need assistance with meals in the event of a school closure.

All questions regarding the plan for Osage School should be directed to llarmon@osageelementary.com or 918-825-2550.

COVID-19 School Guidance

COVID-19 Schools Guidance

Symptoms For COVID-19

Symptoms and Things to Know about COVID-19

Travel Advisories

COVID-19 Travel Advisories

COVID-19 Facts

COVID-19 Facts

COVID-19 Terms

COVID-19 Terms

Info About COVID-19

What You Need to Know About COVID-19

Share Facts About  COVID-19

Share Facts About COVID-19

COVID-19 Health Alert

COVID-19 Health Alert