Tēnā koutou katoa, nau mai, haere mai and welcome to Karaka, a Year 2 and 3 class. I am really looking forward to welcoming back our learners from last year and getting to know the new learners in our class. It is exciting to be a part of their learning journey in 2024! Michelle Dods will be taking part of the morning programme in our class this year, for maths and some literacy, while I take Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support lessons.

I believe in strong child-school-whānau partnerships, so please be in touch if you have any questions, queries or concerns, so we can discuss them. Come and see me before or after school, send me a message on Seesaw, email me (raquel@ormond.school.nz) or call the office (862 5725) and leave me a message. I will be in touch as soon as possible. I look forward to working alongside your child and your whānau.

Ngā mihi nui

Raquel Parsons

In Karaka, we will use our superpowers to be Powerful Learner Superheroes! Powerful Learner Superheroes follow our Key Learning Messages and consistently show our Values and Learner Qualities. When tamariki are noticed displaying the qualities of a Powerful Learner/Superhero, they will be rewarded with Dojo points. This is a way to recognise their effort and ability at being a Powerful Learner and goes towards a reward at the end of each week. Our FLAX awards (Focussed Learners Achieving eXcellence) also recognise our Powerful Learners/Superheroes each week.

Our Values:

Our Learner Qualities:

Our Key Learning Messages:

Each week, we will send home words for your child to read and practice writing. These are words that we will also be focussing on in class.

Readers can be sent home if requested, with a one in-one out policy. We will also send home login details for PM Readers that can be accessed at home. This has been set at your child's level. Please read stories to your child at home, as it gives them the opportunity to hear good models of reading. This is great to do as part of their bedtime routine.

There are Maths website links that can be used at home on our Akoranga Learning page. Other things you can do to help in Maths are counting forwards and backwards, skip counting, practicing basic facts and measuring in cooking and baking.

Links to programmes that we use in our learning, that can be used at home:

Literacy Resources for Home Learning: