Travelwise Team

An enthusiastic group of Year 4&5 learners are working alongside Mrs Croll to promote road safety and look at ways to reduce the number of cars around OrmPS. They meet weekly to discuss what is going well and highlight areas of concern. With support from Auckland Transport they create an action plan. This could be organising a one-off event, run a media campaign, survey our parent and local community or plan a road safety awareness programme for our learners. There are many ideas in the pipeline, so watch this space!

In Term 4 2018, the Travelwise team and Andy (from AT) spent a few mornings on Ormiston Road in an effort to slow down speeding drivers. They received many toots and waves while they reminded drivers that their speed must be no more than 40kph when travelling past a school at the beginning and end of the day.

Owen W and Ethan have made this video about Road Safety.

(Term 2, 2018)

Taking action on Ormiston Road. We got over 30 toots of appreciation!

(Term 2, 2017)

'Pedal Power' smoothie

(Term 3, 2017)

Riding a bike can be healthy - and delicious!