Chromebooks & Connecting

Taking Care Of Your New Chromebook

You are the proud owner of an OUSD issued Chromebook! With this comes some device responsibility in regards to cleaning, feeding and taking care of your Chromebook.

Please visit: for more assistance, information and videos on how to use all the resources and programs described below. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher or school site.

Video Walk-through

Getting Set Up for Distance Learning.mp4

We have created a video if you would like a demonstration on how to use the Chromebook. It will walk you through how your child will log in, access their google classroom, join their live sessions and how to access their independent work and programs.

On another device, a cell phone or home computer, go to this site:

Chromebook Orientation

Your Chromebook has a few parts on it that will be helpful to know.

You’ll get one of two Chromebooks: An HP or a Lenovo



Logging into Your Chromebook

Feeding and Caring for Your Chromebook

Please sit down and place the Chromebook on a flat surface for optimal air flow. No bungee jumping please! Open and close the screen gently with two hands.

Your Chromebook will get tired and need to rest. Recharge it each night by plugging it in to keep it ready to go for your next day of learning and fun!

Your Chromebook is banned from the river, lake or anywhere it is over 100 degrees. Please keep it out of locked cars or in direct sunlight as it will bake the poor fella!

Chromebooks do not need food or water! Please keep your food and beverages at a safe distance!

Cleaning Your Chromebook

Please don’t use any product containing any alcohol, ammonia, or other strong solvent to clean your Chromebook.

1. Create a gentle cleaning solution comprised of 50% water and 50% white vinegar.

2. Disconnect the Chromebook from power and ensure it is off. When you open the Chromebook it will turn on, just use the illuminated button on the right side of the Chromebook to manually turn it off.

3. Apply a small amount of the solution to a cotton cloth, lint free microfiber, or some other very soft rag.

*Never use paper towels or tissues.

*Never apply the solution directly to the Chromebook.

4. Wipe the cloth against the screen of the Chromebook in a circular and consistent motion. Rapid circular movements tend to eliminate streaking. Ensure that you apply even pressure to the cloth but not so much as to cause damage to the screen.

*Repeat these steps for cleaning the outer case and keyboard of the Chromebook*

Join Your Chromebook to Your Home WiFi

Click the WiFi icon in the bottom right of the Chromebook screen to see available networks.

Find your home network and join the network. You may need to enter a password.

Need More Info?