Ancient Greece

Digital Breakout

Hello, my name is Perseus, and this is Andromeda. We'd like to welcome you to Ancient Greece. We hope the time travel experience wasn't too exhausting. We're really glad you're here.

Yes, Perseus, you're right. A cyclops has stolen the jewels from my crown, and we must retrieve them before the next full moon. They have magical, protective powers and protect me from the children of the Kraken. Without them, I am sure to die.

I'll never let that happen Andromeda, and I'm sure our new friends will be more than happy to help us find the jewels.

Here's what you need to do. Read through our story, and when you see a CLUE, find the combination and unlock the puzzle. After you unlock each puzzle, you will acquire one of Andromeda's missing jewels. Find all seven, and she will be saved. Fail and she will be fated to a painful, watery death. Good luck!!!

You should probably know your way around before you get started. Investigate the map of Ancient Greece. This will help you to travel to the various historical sites where the jewels have, illegally, been hidden. Click around to find the puzzle (Clue)

Great job!! One down, five to go, but you better hurry. The Kraken kids are beginning to wake up. Your next journey will take you to Ancient Athens. The people of Athens were, and still are, very intelligent and hard working people. They did a great deal to advance the lifestyle of its' citizens. Many of these advancements are still in use today. Where would we be without the Greeks? They always wanted to be in FIRST place. (CLUE) You might want to split up to tackle this challenge. Puzzle below

You are amazing! Thank you for what you are doing for Perseus and me. My crown will be shining bright again soon, but I'm still scared. This is usually the time that I would call upon the warriors of Sparta. They don't seem to be afraid of anything. You need to seek them out for help, but be careful. Make sure they know that you are helping me and Perseus or they may attack.

Just to give you a little background. The Greek city-states didn't always get along. It wasn't easy to get around the Greek peninsula because it was so rugged. They each had their own currency, patron (favorite) god, and strengths. But when it came to the Persians, they united. They were amazing sailors.

These ships didn't run on horse power, but on _________ man power.

Clue (Click for puzzle)

Once you have the question from the puzzle, use this link to help you find the code.

AMAZING!! Andromeda and I are so happy that the Spartan's were able to help you recover another jewel. They aren't as tough as they look. Well, maybe they are, but they are always there for us. I'm not sure the same can be said about those (whispered so they don't hear) gods. They can be bigger than life, but they have the same weakness as us humans. They get jealous, sad, happy, excited, and ANGRY. We need to tread lightly. We don't want to make them mad. We need their help to find the next jewel. Get to know them, but don't mix up their names. They are not very forgiving. CLUE

You did an amazing job appeasing the gods. Keep them on your good side. But if you think the gods are powerful, wait until you meet the next guys. They are each awesome in their own fields of expertise. If you get to know them, they will be impressed and more willing to help you find the next jewel. What are they best known in history. Bring a notepad when you go to visit them. You've got a lot to learn. (CLUE)


They are great people. We are so close to finding all the jewels and protecting Andromeda. The children of the Kraken are coming to the surface of the Aegean Sea so we need to hurry. Hopefully you have learned to find your way around our city because this is where you will find the next jewel. Identify each of these famous Greek landmarks. Enjoy the beauty of the Greek architecture and reflect on how our modern government buildings resemble them. (CLUE)

We are so close to retrieving all seven of the jewels taken from my crown. I hope you enjoyed seeing the beauties of Greek architecture. Your last task will involve putting yourself in the lives of the ancient Greeks. Take a walk in their . . . sandals. You're probably pretty hungry after your great adventure. Time to eat like a Greek. What's for dinner? (Clue) Pick up a plate and collect your meal from around the room and place it on your plate. Proceed to the next lock. Once you have successfully unlocked the final lock, see Miss Hallman for the last jewel, place them all in Andromeda's crown to save her from the children of the Kraken.

σας ευχαριστώ, which means thank you in Greek. Andromeda and I can never repay you for your efforts. Place the jewels that you have collect in Andromeda's crown and declare victory! May the gods look favorably upon you, and may you live a long life.