OMS Football 2024

Important Announcements...


Welcome to the 2024 Orion Middle School Football Season!

We are excited to start the season this year!  

All important announcements will be on this page, along with the Remind App. 

2024 Remind App info:

Send a text to 81010

Text this message: @2024omsf

*Updated calendar on 7/26 - check out info on calendar tab!

*Added QR code for Charger Spirit Wear for 2024 Season - Will be active until Aug. 20 - check out code on the 8-18/Bus/Other tab!

Studies show that what players want most from their parents & grandparents is to hear these words:

"I am so proud of you"

"I love to watch you play"

Studies also show that a player's most dreaded time with their sports parent is the car ride home after a loss or poor performance.

You're child's success or lack of success in sports does not indicate what kind of parents you are.  But having an athlete that is coachable, respectful, a great teammate, mentally tough, resilient, and tries their best IS a direct reflection of your parenting. 

We want to be good and we want to win, but most importantly we want our players to get better and have fun.  Our goal is to build athletes who love the game of football!  There will be some decisions that everyone will not agree with, but know that everything we are doing is for our student athletes!  

Let's reframe our perspective on failure or disappointment. Instead of seeing it as the end of the road, think of it as a stepping stone. Every time you encounter a setback, it's an opportunity to learn and adjust your path. Failing forward means that with every fall, you push yourself closer to your goals.

We teach our athletes to win with class. Their winning performance has spoken for itself, so there is no need to gloat or rub it in the opposing team's face.  We make sure to shake their hands and tell them good game, then we CELEBRATE!

A final note to players:

You are on a team.  It's a family, regardless if you like all or them or none of them.  You can't choose your family, just like you can't choose your team.  You compete as one, not individuals.  Everyone should try harder every practice.  Win or lose as a team, fall or rise as a team!