ロッジ利用方法 | Lodge Usage Guide

宿泊資格 | Eligible to Stay

Only those who correspond to the status specified by regulations are available. If you would like to stay at the lodge, please contact the host laboratory in advance.

短期宿泊予約(1ヶ月未満) | Short-Term Stay (less than 1 month)

For reservations, changes and cancellations of short-term stay, please coordinate with the host laboratory and proceed through the Lodge Reservation System.

長期宿泊予約(1ヶ月以上) | Long-Term Stay (more than 1 month)


If you'd like to stay the lodge for more than 1 month or stay a room for long-term stay for less than 1 month, please contact the host laboratory.

支払方法 | Payment Methods


Payment at the counter is available from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm (except from noon to 1:00 pm).

You can choose to pay the fee by cash at the counter, credit card at the counter, or online.

If you pay the fee at the counter for short-term stay, please come to the Joint Research Section on the 3rd floor of the Okazaki Administration Center. If you pay the fee at the counter for long-term stay, please come to the Accounts Section on the 1st floor of the Okazaki Administration Center.

For short-term stay, please complete the payment by the check-out date. For long-term stay, please complete the payment by the deadline stated on the invoice.

Only credit cards of VISA, Mastercard or Diners Club are available at the counter.

Only credit cards of JCB, VISA, Mastercard or UFJ card are available online.

鍵の受取方法 | How to Receive the Key


Please receive the key at the counter of the Joint Research Section on the 3rd floor of the Okazaki Administration Center unless you apply for the receipt at the security guard's office in advance.

Receiving the key at the counter is available from 11:00 am to 3:30  pm (except from noon to 1:00 pm).

For short-term stay, if you choose to pay the fee online through the Lodge Reservation System and complete the payment by the deadline, you can receive the key at the security guard's office at Myodaiji area.

利用上のルール | Rules



Please read the User Guide carefully and follow the rules.

Mishima Lodge User Guide

Myodaiji Lodge User Guide

When you check out the room, please make sure to check if you have left anything behind. We don't keep items except for valuables. 

If you break the items of the lodge intentionally or lose the key, you need to pay the cost.