About Ms. Burgess

About Ms. B.

This will be my third year at Glorietta and my eighth year teaching. I am excited to remain a part of the Orinda community and the Glorietta family!

I grew up in a small, rural town in northern California where I developed a genuine appreciation for nature and all things active and outdoor. After graduating, I moved south to go to UC Santa Cruz (Go Slugs!). While attending UCSC I minored in education and began my love of teaching. After earning my BA from UCSC, I attended the Critical Research Academy at San Jose State University where I earned my CA Teaching Credential and a Master of Arts in Education with a concentration on curriculum and instruction. From there I did my Post Master's work through UCLA and more professional development through CSU Fullerton as well as my alma mater, UCSC.

Outside of teaching I love hiking, backpacking, playing soccer, basketball, and have recently taken up knitting! When I'm relaxing, I can be found nose deep in a good book, or enjoying a dinner out with friends and loved ones.


My teaching style is firmly rooted in Nel Noddings’s ethic of care philosophy. I believe in utilizing consistent positive reinforcement to foster an environment of trust where children can relax, thrive, and focus on their academics. I am also a believer in children working through academic challenges in order for them to develop a growth mindset, grit, and resilience for the obstacles that they will face as they continue to grow.

Contact Information:

*The best way to reach me is via email.



phone: (925) 254-6384