
The workshop will take place from 8:30am to 5:00pm EDT (UTC -4) on May 27th.

08:30-09:00: Introduction and Workshop Overview

09:00-09:45: Keynote I -- Brian Zhang, Jason Fick, and Naomi Fitter

09:45-10:00: Time buffer/break for refreshments

10:00-11:30: Presentations

11:30-13:00: Break for lunch

13:00-13:45: Keynote II -- Margaret Schedel

13:45-14:00: Time buffer/break for refreshments

14:00-14:45: Poster session

14:45-15:00: Time buffer/break for refreshments

15:00-15:30: Hardware demonstrations

15:30-17:00: Motivational futures discussion summing up the state of the art and future steps

17:00: Workshop end

18:00: Optional group dinner