Winter 2023 Series

The following pages serves as an archive for all past doctoral webinars, which are ordered by series and presentation date. Each presentation title is presented with the video recording below alongside a brief description and presenter details.


Catalyzing TOD by Leveraging Publicly Owned Land: A Multi-Criteria Planning Tool for Identifying Promising Locations

Student Presenter: Mingming Cai, Ph.D. Student in the University of Washington Department of Urban Design and Planning

Student Advisor: Professor Qing Shen, University of Washington Department of Urban Design and Planning.

Original Air Date: February 22nd, 2023


Public agencies can take a leading role in catalyzing TOD by leasing or selling public lands to developers and facilitating development through public-private partnerships. In particular, park-and-ride sites with a high level of access to transit systems can be leveraged to initiate TOD by constructing affordable housing and commercial or mixed-use properties. To provide effective planning support, this research developed a multi-criteria prioritization tool to identify the most promising public lands for TOD and tested it on the park and ride sites owned by the Washington State Department of Transportation. The tool was developed through a Delphi process, which is an effective approach to evaluating relevant indicators by synthesizing the opinions of experts from various backgrounds. Five categories with a total of 14 indicators were selected as measures of TOD suitability under different scenarios. By computing and comparing suitability scores, this tool can be used to prioritize potential TOD sites. 
