Project Timeline


Key Takeaways

We had a great experience designing, developing, implementing, testing, and deploying the project. This capstone project helped is learn a lot throughout the whole process and the team is extremely grateful for the opportunity to work on this project.

Some of our most memorable experiences include: meeting with client talking about system design, discussing how to integrate NLP into the whole system, learning how to write code as a team, and communicating effectively between one another.

Our key takeaways from this year long project: team work makes the dream work, communication is key for effective work to be done, moving data from a relational database to non-relational database isn't as easy as it looks, AI/ML solve a lot of problems, but with a lot of hard work, and nothing beats hard work and engineering.

All in all, this was a great experience and we are very thankful to Neerad, our client, for working with us so patiently throughout the whole past year! :)

Problem Statement

Determine the possibility of searching over a custom database using natural language processing.