Executive Summary

Our client, Don Heer, asked our team to develop a low-cost, low-power, reconfigurable lock box for the TekBots store. During the initial stages we organized our team into two effective working groups. One CS team comprised of Julie Kuang and Mingming Su and one ECE team comprised of Jacob Gibson and Cody Nhem. Each team was given a set of requirements to meet to ensure that each lockbox system component could be integrated into the final product. We met with our client (also the course instructor), TA’s and together over the course of three terms to review or modify our designs on a regular basis. We established team communication protocols so that we could easily and effectively reach one another when complications or questions arose. Each team member contributed to the final system by producing deliverables. The CS team designed, developed and wrote code for the web application and user interface. The ECE team designed, prototyped, and tested hardware that comprise the physical components of the lockbox. We learned lessons about effective communications between groups with different technical capabilities and understanding. Even our failures, both in communication and execution, were learning moments that we feel confident are valuable lessons moving forward.