Click the arrow on the far right side of the topic to see the tip or how to, many of which can save you valuable time.

📨 Apple Mail App - Create or Edit Your Signature

To create or change your email signature in Apple Mail (white envelope in your dock), follow these steps:

📅 Calendar - Import Events

After signing up for a webinar, you usually get an option to add the name, date, time, and link to join to your calendar.  That might right after you finish signing up, or it might be via a confirmation email.  

Your event should now be visible on the specific calendar you chose.  You will have all the event information the organizer shared, including the link to the webinar.  

💻 Dock Tips - Work Smarter

Look at your dock and find a little vertical line towards the right side (left of the trash can).  You can add things to either side for easy access.

🔥 Hot Corners - Convenient and Save Time

Don’t forget about your hot corners.  Setting one as your Screen Saver is a great way to secure your screen when you need to walk away from your desk.  To make a hot corner:

If you activate a hot corner by mistake, just go there again to get back to where you were 

Some helpful hot corners:

🎥 iMovie - Upload a Video to YouTube

If you need to export a video you edited in iMovie and upload it to YouTube, this tutorial  is for you.

👓 Mirroring (Or Not) Your Computer

If you are plugging in your MacBook to a new projector or TV for the first time, there are several steps you must take to ensure optimal display. 

Connecting a projector? Use this tutorial.

Connecting to a TV? Use this tutorial.

⌨️ Keyboard shortcut: Try Command F1 to toggle between a mirrored/unmirrored display.

🏠 Safari - Customize Your Home Page

You can set the OCS Info page or any page you use often as your home page.  First, open Safari and navigate to the page you want to make your home page.

📷 Screenshot

Sometimes you want to put a snapshot of something on your screen into a document or presentation.  You may need to email a snapshot of an error message to the Help Desk.  You might even want to share what you have on your screen with a colleague via email. This can be done by taking a screenshot on your Mac

🔍 Search Your Mac

By using “Command-Space”, or Spotlight, you can find ANYTHING easily on your computer.  Just start typing a word (whether it is the name of an application, name of a document, or the CONTENTS of anything – inside a Word document, PDF file, or even an email in Outlook) and then pick the item from the list.  The “top pick” is usually correct, but just simply click anything in the list to open it.

On your keyboard, type “Command-Space”

Look in the upper right corner and the blue search box will appear

Just start typing a word (whether it is the name of an application, name of a document, or the CONTENTS of anything – inside a Word document, PDF file, or even an email in Outlook)

It will find the “top pick”, which is usually correct, but just simply click anything in the list to open it.

Remember, if something is highlighted in blue, you don’t have to click it, just hit return to activate that choice.

If you aren't seeing files from your Google Drive, try using the Google Drive Search by typing "Option + Command + G"

💻 Shortcuts on Your Mac

Check out these common Mac shortcuts that can save you valuable time.

NOTE:  ⌘ = the Command key

✂️   ⌘X   cut the selection and copy it to the clipboard

📑   ⌘C   copy the selection to the clipboard

🧴   ⌘V   paste the contents of the clipboard into a document or application

🖨   ⌘P   print the current document, presentation, spreadsheet, selection

💾   ⌘S   save the current document, presentation, spreadsheet

B    ⌘B   bold the selected text, do it again to turn bolding off

Here are a few other really helpful shortcuts.

↩️   ⌘Z   undo the previous command; like the undo button but also works 

                for tools that don't have their own undo button

🔍   ⌘F find a specific word in a document; very helpful when trying to find

                something on a website or a lengthy PDF

🔗   ⌘K   link to any URL; you can replace the lengthy link with text, such as

                click here or the name of the document or website 

For even more, click here.