Career Advisory Teachers

Medical Science | Veterinary Science

Mrs. Lacy brings 20+ years of experience to the role of ASCEND Advisory Teacher. She has served as a teacher, college and career readiness facilitator, and internship coordinator. Mrs. Lacy cares deeply about students and their goals and believes strongly in the benefits of Career & Technical Education. Traveling with her family, reading, and crafts are some of her favorite things.

Business + Management | Computer Science | Hotel & Tourism Management

Mr. Harlow has taught high school Language Arts and College and Career Readiness for 10 years and with ORCA as an Advisory Teacher going into his 4th year. His passion is in the value of CTE programs.

Mr. Harlow also coaches collegiate baseball and in his spare time enjoys spending time with family, watching/playing sports, and being in the outdoors.

Administrative Staff

High School Success Administrator

Mr. Meyer has a Bachelor of Arts in Business from Linfield College, a Masters in Teaching from Concordia University, and is working towards an Education Specialist Degree at Concordia Chicago. Mr. Meyer has a diverse professional background that includes 6 years in the U.S.Navy as a Weapons Systems Electronics Technician, 12 years with a high-tech firm culminating as the Manufacturing and Operations Manager, owner of several retail furniture stores, and then moving into education in 2010. He began his career in education as a 3rd grade teacher at ORCA before moving into his current role. He has worked hard to lead the ASCEND team in building a Career Technical Education (CTE) that is a leading model in virtual education and giving students a head start towards their career and post-secondary goals.

When not working you will find him working on his small farm and spending time in the outdoors with his family. John is an avid off-shore fisherman, snowmobilier, hiker, and pilot

Administrative Assistant / Grant Manager

Joy has recently returned from China where she worked in an international high school in the boarding program. She spent three years before that working in schools in Thailand and here in the US. She spent over 10 years prior working for the city in the parks and recreation department where she helped plan, program, and implement classes and events, both large and small. Joy worked on a federal grant so the Parks & Recreation department would oversee the Foster Grandparent Program. Once awarded, the program grew under her leadership.

Joy has traveled extensively throughout the US as well as Asia and finds living in other cultures one of her greatest passions. She also loves to go on missions trips where she can work to help improve the lives of others. Joy looks forward to the next trip abroad.

Pathway Teachers

(bios on pathway pages)

ASCEND Team Coordinator

Business + Management Teacher

Business + Management Master Teacher

Business + Management Teacher

Computer Science Master Teacher

Computer Science Teacher

Medical Science Master Teacher

Medical Science Teacher

Veterinary Science Teacher