Mr. Scott's "Creative" Blog

August 10, 2020 - Rising From the Ashes

I have been doing ceramics for well over 20 years as part of my own self care/creative part as well as being a Counselor. This piece was entered into the San Mateo County Fair and took in a couple of nice awards. It was then selected to be shown in a public gallery within the Court House in Redwood City, CA. It was being shown during 12/12/12 - the Court House had the City Clerk's office where marriage licenses were issued. Unfortunately, a wedding party came into the lobby where it was being displayed. One of the guests knocked it off its pedestal and it broke. I was contacted and told of what happened. Naturally, I was very upset that it had been broken. It was for sale at the time and now all I had of it was placed in a plastic bag to take home. It remained in the bag for a number of months while I continued to "stew" over it. However, I have had other pieces that have needed to be "fixed" and rethought about its purpose moving forward - this piece then became another of my "concept" works ------> see the next pic for what I did.

"Rising From The Ashes" - became the new title for this work. I decided that I would not let the carelessness of someone else dictate what I do in life. So I told myself that I would recreate another piece to become even better than the former. As this new piece was being completed, "Rising From The Ashes" came into my mind. I could have easily let the broken piece remain as such and thrown it away - similarly to what we do sometimes in life when circumstances beyond our control happen - push down the feelings and not deal with them. Or we decide to overcome those circumstances and tell ourselves that we can move beyond them and make something of what we have learned from them. In this case it was to make an even better piece and include the former to illustrate that "I won't let my circumstances tell me what to do". You may have something going on in your life that will take time to "heal" and move forward from, but know you have the choice to "Rise From The Ashes" of that part of your life and make something altogether different from it and even more beautiful from it than you ever thought possible. Just don't give up along the way!

September 3, 2020 - "Getting Stuck"

Have you had times when you've felt "Life has me in such a place I can't seem to move forward?" I have and this piece was made as a result. I've been walking/running and stepped in "bubble gum"...Yuck!!!! - the shoe represents the "Getting Stuck" part. The process of "Getting Unstuck" is recognizing you are indeed "stuck" in something: a job, a relationship, a way of thinking/behaving, bad habits, etc...The scrolls of paper in the shoe are to write it/them down using the pencil on the side. The top of the vase is to then be removed and the matches, also on the side, are to then light up the scroll(s) of paper - this represents a desire to do something to change/rethink the circumstances you are in. As the scroll(s) is/are now burning, you drop it/them into the vase and put the top back on. You now look to the runner and tell yourself: "It's now time to move forward with my life." The runner is a marathon runner - likely this decision to move forward will take time - give yourself permission to take the time to do the next step(s) well. A marathon is completed only one step at a time. Don't give up while you do this - you may need/want to enlist some "coaches" along the way to help you. Good luck and see you at the finish line!

October 2, 2020 - The Wall

Have you ever been traveling along life's road and something suddenly happens and "Bam" - you've hit a wall! Or things seem to be running very smoothly and yet up ahead you sense something is not quite right and then you see "The Wall". We've all had these kind of experiences. How do you deal with your own personal "wall" when you're up against it? For some, it's to try and bust right through it - ouch! Some try to go over it, around it, under it but don't really find a satisfactory way to move on beyond it. Some just try to ignore it exists and try to live and pretend it will just go away. How do we work with these "walls" when they come? I believe the first thing to do is recognize that there is indeed a wall in front of us. Admitting to ourselves that we have a wall, defined by ourselves, not by others per se is super important. Then there is a point of "problem solving" - finding solutions -picking one and trying it out. Did it work? Great - if not, try another. Ask others for their ideas - team work helps. I just remember the wall I had going when I made this piece. The being a care giver of my elderly mom and realizing just how hard this was. Lots of ideas and acceptance and knowing this is just a "season" - it will pass and things will adjust again. Life has "walls" to help us know that sometimes we just need to hit or see the wall, back up and travel down another road.

November 6, 2020 - The Dream Keeper

In Native American culture "Dream Catcher's" are made to catch children's "bad" dreams at night. I thought: "Why catch "bad" dreams? Why not catch "good" dreams and store them in a safe place to look at later?" The idea is to write down "dreams" you'd like to one day actually have come to fruition. Some will need some hard work and pushing through some possible tough times. Then put those written dreams into The Dream Keeper - the lid has a slot in order to slide those dreams into the bank. Perhaps every 6 months or so, one can look inside and review what's been saved and see how "the dream" is coming along. Dreams of course can be short or long term in nature and can change over time. But "Dreams" can come true as I have found out - many in surprising ways I never thought possible. What about your dreams? You may wish to create something similar to this pot - a decorated jar or box? Maybe it's an individual "Dream Keeper" or maybe it's one for the entire family to use. The idea is to have fun and begin to see what happens as you go.

December 10, 2020 - What Time Is It?

Although this piece was made during a pre-COVID 19 time, it has particular relevance to our lives now. The question is asking us to evaluate how we are living out the time we have left as individuals and as a society living on this planet. Do we like the answer? If so, why? If not, why not? How can we live it better for ourselves and others around us. The pendulum in the clock has, inscribed on it, part of Einstein's Space/Time Continuum formula to illustrate that time and space do matter as we go about living the life we have been given. We do indeed have a finite number of days to be able to live our lives to the best we can.

January 22, 2021

This month's entry is about the actual creative process of what goes into "throwing" a pot. The Distirct's Art Educator, Jennifer Larrabee has kindly spotlighted me as an artist as part of her ongoing series of interviewing artists in our local community. I have linked her video interview with me. Enjoy it as much as I did in helping her make it.

February 11, 2021 - "The Nest"

This was a fun piece to make. A studio mate had family that raised ostriches and I asked if I could get an egg shell sometime. He brought one in for me to have and so I needed to have something to hold it. I came up with "The Nest" idea. I got to be thinking though about this COVID season we are in and wondered, "What kind of nest do I have to "Stay Safe" in? What kind of nest do you have to "Stay Safe" in? Mine is my home and the things I have surrounded myself with. But also, I have supportive friends and family to "surround me". I also have an internal "safe place" that I can go to just be in that meditative moment when things get a bit too hectic or stressful. As a "faith based" person, I know I have a God that covers me with His protective arms - a definite comfort during this season.

March 7, 2021 - "Strong and Courageous"

This raku piece originally wasn't suppose to become a "War Horse". However, in trying to clean up the piece after the raku firing, I chipped a bit of glaze off the body of the horse. I then collaborated with my wife to see what ideas she may have to "fix" the blemish. She said that perhaps I could come up with a way to cover up the mistake using armor - similar to what was done for horses that were used in history. I used copper sheeting, copper rings and an African Porcupine quill for the spear. Often when we make mistakes in life, we have to come up with ways to repair/fix things - often our solutions can be even more creative with a better result. Has this happened for you as well?

April 25, 2021 - "Faith Restored"

The original work was placed in a gallery in Carmel. A customer knocked it off the shelf and of course it broke. The dealer shared the sad news and gave me the now broken vase. I had just begun to look into a Japanese way of repairing broken pottery known as Kintsugi or "Golden Repair" - I used a copper micah to color the repair instead of the usual gold color. In the process of repairing the piece, I unfortunately broke it again - ugh...however, there was a small voice inside telling me to go ahead and "fix it" in spite of. I call it my "Faith voice". So I completed the repair and used a Chinese symbol of "Faith" as part of the overall repair (see the far right side for the symbol). "Faith Restored" is a metaphor for all of us for when things in life often don't go as planned and yet we need to find a way to keep going and moving forward.

May 19, 2021 - Starry Night - Vincent Van Gough

My wife and I collaborate/enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles. This one was particularly challenging because of the patterns/colors that Van Gough used. This puzzle was given to us by a family friend - it was not "new". If you look closely on the right side, you will notice a "missing" piece. We decided early on to go ahead and complete the puzzle even with the fact the puzzle wouldn't be as complete - we are still deciding how to "fix" the "flaw". Then I started to think of the bigger picture that the puzzle was saying: "You know, we all are puzzles and all of us have "missing pieces" in our lives; no one is really a completed work." I know that I am still working on areas of my life that have not been fully "healed"/developed yet. The work to "complete" me will continue. How about you? What are those areas you and/or others know need to be "filled" in to make you more complete?