988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Casa Pacifica - Safe Alternatives for Treating Youth (SAFTY) Program is to prevent psychiatric hospitalization and decrease the use of emergency rooms and law enforcement for mental health crisis by helping families.
Crisis Call Hotline - 1-888-334-2777
See resources suggested by our school counselors.
Connect with a Crisis Counselor 24/7
Call the National Parent Helpline® to get emotional support from a trained Advocate and become empowered and a stronger parent.
Wide Variety of Supports for Mental Wellness Offerred
Crisis Call Hotline: (888) 868-1649
This organization offers many mental wellness support services to SB County families.
Social Emotional Resources for Educators and Families
Connecting People to Health & Human Services Information
Tips are offered on a variety of topics from dealing with anxiety and depression to time management and substance use.
Common Sense Media - Many Apps to Help with Mental Health
Sanford HarmonyWonderful resources for Pre - 6th social/emotional activities. Create a sign-in for access.
Links to Many Santa Maria Valley Community Resources