Click on staff members name to visit their pageHigh School English
Claire Cawley
6-8 Student and Family Advocate
High School Social Studies
Haley Cruz Winchell
Office Manager
High School Special Education
5-12 Band
Jesse Fabrikant
6-8 Student Support Specialist
Dr. Rachel Fletcher
Middle and High School Counselor
Middle School Special Education
6-12 Principal
Attendance and Truancy
Val Hellar
High School Student Support
High School Science & Applied Math
Meg Neal
6th Grade
Jason Nichols
English Language Learning Director
Julie Pinardi
Student and Family Advocate
Ashley Poplawski
Leave of Absence
Michael Shanks
High School Spanish
James Taylor
Kristi Tenborg
Occupational Therapist
Computer Science
High School Art, Yoga, STEM
5-12 Strings
Yotam Zohar
Middle School English/OASIS HS
8th Grade Class Advisor