
"The person who does not read good books has no advantage over the person who can't read them."-Mark Twain

Is there a book you would like to see in the library? Fill out this book request form.

Looking for something great to read? Check out these curated lists of books available in our library. Is there a list you'd like to see? Email Mrs. Kim and let her know.

To put a book on hold for pickup, follow these simple directions.

Books to read if you like BROADWAY

Books to read if you like HARRY POTTER

Books to read if you like DIARY OF A WIMPY KID

To access our library's print collection, click on the Follett Library icon on your OUSD Dashboard. Click here for directions on how to put library books on hold for pickup.

To access our library's collection of ebooks and audiobooks, click on the OverDrive Sora icon on your OUSD Dashboard. Click here or watch this video for directions on how to check out ebooks or audiobooks.