

For the Foundational Knowledge piece of my portfolio I think that earned a Skilled Proficiency. I have multiple drafts of my paper one being with my notes about how to re-organize my paragraphs. Mrs. Holder suggested that I do this for my final revision and I also included her comments as well. I have included multiple drafts of my paper as well as my final draft, outline, format check and my writing rubric with the final grades on my paper. All of these are labeled accordingly and are easy to find.

For the Habits of Mind, I think that I have earned a Meets Proficiency. I have 8 thorough journal entries which are dated and all over a page long. They show growth, my personal thoughts and revisions and my plans for next steps. I include deeper thought about what I have learned and I reflect on my process.

For my Habits of Work I think that I have earned an Exceeding Proficiency. In this portfolio I have been very organized and concise. I have all the documents needed and more. I have a thoughtful cover page and organized tabs. It is very easy to find what you are looking for in each part of my portfolio. I have also included my thoughtful thank you notes to not only my mentor, but also my secondary mentor. I also have reflected on my work as a whole in my journals, Resume and Product Self-evaluation.

In my Habits of Heart, I have demonstrated work that I think is at the level of a Skilled Proficiency. In my final journal I demonstrated reflection, adaptability, personal integrity and respect for others. This is also demonstrated in my 8 journals. It is well organized and concise. I reflect on my entire experience and include flaws and things that I would change if I were to do the project again. I wrote honestly and thoroughly.


For the Foundational Knowledge I think that I have earned a Skilled Proficiency. I have all of my documents included into my portfolio/display and they are all organized well. The topic is easily seen and understood. It is as engaging as possible (being online) and there are minimal errors in conventions. In my reflections, I show deeper knowledge into the topics that I have learned this year during this project.

In Habits of Mind, I think that I have earned a Skilled Proficiency. In my display, my documents and tabs are organized very well and they are all following the same color scheme. The layout is the same for each of them is the same and follows the same patterns. My display shows my learning throughout the year, my ups and my downs. It includes challenges and how I overcame them in my journals and reflections.

For Habits of Work I believe that I have demonstrated work that is worthy of an Exceeding Proficiency. My display is extremely organized and easy to follow. Considering that everything is online, I have displayed many elements of technology, including my product and display which are both represented in my portfolio. I have demonstrated high levels or organization and also lots of technology.

For Habits of Heart, I think that I have demonstrated work worthy of a Skilled Proficiency. I showed personal integrity though putting forth my best effort on this display. Although it was a challenge doing it all online, I put forth my best effort on all aspects. I also adapted quite a bit during the creation of this display. Since we have to do it online, I worked with the new technology and persevered through the challenges. I had respect for others throughout my learning, by trying to learn and display a new culture correctly.


For the Foundational Knowledge piece of my product I think that I demonstrate Skilled Proficiency level learning. There are many aspects of my learning that I put into my product. It may not seem that my product is very complex, but there are many things to consider within it. Word order is very different between English and sign language. When signing, one often skips over multiple words because they are just not needed to make sense. Another thing to consider is facial expressions, body language, and emotion. Since people speaking sign language cannot express with the tone of their voices, body language, and facial expressions can dramatically change a conversation from just talking to yelling, etc. Lastly, learning an entire language is very hard. I have learned a lot but I am not even close to fluent. I have learned how to have basic conversations which are still something to be proud of.

In the Habits of Mind area, I think that I have earned an Exceeds Proficiency. I have showed a great deal of learning in my videos. I have taken healthy risks that have been a large struggle for me. I persevered throughout this product and I went outside of the box and my comfort zone. I showed new learning in a way that is very meaningful for me by trying to learn and show a different culture through my product. I put in an amazing amount of effort which I think payed off. It may not be up to everyone's expectations, but for a beginner like myself it is very impressive.

In Habits of Work I think that I earned a Skilled Proficiency. I met the requirement of time with my mentor, but I did most of my learning independently. I did not go above and beyond in this aspect considering certain aspects like the quarantine. Although, I exceeded the requirement of hours that were needed and that is shown in my time sheet and my mentor verification form.

In the Habits of Heart, I think that I have earned a Skilled Proficiency. I have been very reflective and honest with my personal growth. I have exhibited personal growth and complex learning. I stretched my boundaries and worked very hard to overcome challenges of personal nature and my personal fears of making a video to share. I showed a lot of growth and perseverance in this product.


For Foundational Knowledge, I think that I will earn a Skilled Proficiency. I am going to introduce my project clearly. I plan to introduce myself in Sign language to make it a little more interesting. I am going to show what I have learned when practicing and researching about sign language. I will reflect on struggles and how I overcame them. I will explain how the project may connect to my future plans and how I will keep learning in the future. I will conclude with how I plan to continue my learning in this topic.

For Habits of Heart I think that I will earn a Skilled Proficiency. Although, in my defense video, I cannot answer questions, I will do my best to be clear so there are not as many questions that need to be asked. I will be presenting thoughtfully and reflectively. I will use evidence from my paper and journals to support my claims of my learning.

For Habits of Work, I think that I will score a Meets Proficiency. My video will be over 8 minutes long which is the minimum. I will demonstrate knowledge and use of technology by making a video to share my defense instead of doing it live. I will organize it well so it makes sense to the audience. Although, I assume that it will not be as engaging as I hope because I am not doing it live and I cannot answer questions.

For Habits of Heart I think that I will score a Skilled Proficiency. I am going to put in my best effort into this presentation. Although I cannot reflect by answering questions, I will do my best to be clear and concise. I will dress appropriately, make eye contact as best as possible, and make sure that my volume is at a reasonable level. I will flow through my presentation at a reasonable pace and reflect appropriately without reading off of prepared notes.