Ms. Sisso's Class

Technology Electives/Math Teacher Medea Creek Middle School


About Me

My name is Danielle Sisso, and I teach Robotics, Video Production, Computer Applications, 3-D Design and Algebra Introductions at Medea Creek Middle School. I have a degree in Statistics from Cal Poly SLO, and I received my teaching credential from California Lutheran University. 

I'm excited to return to MCMS - as I am a former student myself! A little about me - I love dogs (as seen in the picture to the left); the left dog is my dog Maui, the middle dog is my best friend's dog Harley and the right dog is my other dog Daisy. My family and I are HUGE sports fans - Dodgers, Lakers, and Real Madrid are staples in my house - though I've thoroughly enjoyed the Olympics this summer. 

If you click on the tabs on top, they will take you to a calendar for that class. Another excellent place to check is Google Classroom. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!