Freshman Advisement
Welcome incoming 9th graders!
Welcome incoming 9th graders!
2022-23 course advisement information coming soon!
2022-23 course advisement information coming soon!
important dates:
important dates:
February 23th, 2022- Future Freshman Night (Virtual)
February 23th, 2022- Future Freshman Night (Virtual)
March 2nd and 3rd, 2022- 8th Grade Orientation at MCMS
March 2nd and 3rd, 2022- 8th Grade Orientation at MCMS
March 15th-17th, 2022- 8th Grade Scheduling Sessions at MCMS
March 15th-17th, 2022- 8th Grade Scheduling Sessions at MCMS
March 30th, 31st and April 4th 3pm- 8th Grade New-to- District Student Presentations (Virtual)
March 30th, 31st and April 4th 3pm- 8th Grade New-to- District Student Presentations (Virtual)
Helpful links:
Helpful links:

study tips
study tips

frequently asked questions
frequently asked questions

4 year planning guide
4 year planning guide