Ms Dusek

8th Grade Social Studies 


We have a great year planned!  I center my class around building personal character and study skills.  This is to enable you to be successful in high school and beyond.

How to reach me:

Students:  Google Classroom will have all the assignments and instructions you will need.  Don't forget to check the section at the top of all "Classwork" pages that have the "Reference" postings.  There's lots of great info on academic and tech stuff there for you!

Parents:  I will be sending home updates through ParentSquare.  Keep an eye out.

If you have an individual question, you can leave questions for me on Google Classroom or ParentSquare.  I can also be reached by email at the address above.

Pssst! Checkout the next page that includes some photos of what we've done in class in previous years!

Here is a few previews of what we'll do in class during the year.

Ms Dusek's Classroom Policies for 2023/2024