education consultant

Counselling services are offered to support persons of varying ages. The services in this area are focused on healing, dealing with problems in everyday life, treating mental health conditions, and helping people work through trauma, and other issues from their past.

Individual Counselling

One-on-one sessions are offered to school-age children, youth, and adults to deal with problem situations. Many concerns are readily resolved with short-term therapy or in a single session while  more complex concerns require long-term commitment before improvement is realized. 

Family Counselling

Families are helped to improve communication and resolve conflicts through family counselling. It is geared towards helping to improve troubled relationships with one's partner, child(ren), or other family members. 

Marriage Counselling

Support is provided for individuals preparing for marriage through pre-marital counselling sessions as well for married individuals through couples' therapy. We also meet the needs of larger groups by facilitating marriage counselling seminars. 

Career Counselling

We work with individuals and groups to help them understand themselves and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions that lead to maximizing potential and achieving career goals. 

Workplace Counselling

Support is given to individuals and groups to help to deal with issues in the workplace, or overcome challenges in their professional life. This type of counselling is usually organized through the institution. 

Grief Counselling

Grief counseling is intended to help clients grieve in a healthy manner as they understand and cope with the emotions being experienced from a major loss, and to ultimately find a way to move on. This can be facilitated through individual, group, or family therapy. 


Coaching Services

optimedja|Professional development

Coaching services offered by Optim-Ed include life coaching and business coaching. The services in this area are focused on helping clients move from where they are, to where they want to be, as they gain the inspiration to move forward effectively. 

Life Coaching 

We help clients to improve their performances and enhance the quality of their lives to produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives. We work with clients to clarify goals and identify obstacles and problematic behaviors in order to create action plans to achieve desired results in keeping with their values and vision. 

Business Coaching

We help business owners take a business from where it is now to where the business owner wants it to be. We help the business owner to plan and prioritize what goals and strategies are needed to help progress the business closer to its goal. 

Educational  Services

 life coach

Optim-Ed provides educational services aimed at personal and professional growth and development. We are able to facilitate training and workshops in areas related to leadership, education, psychology, counselling, staff and professional development. Optim-Ed will at various times offer training modules which will be available in-person and/or online

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