
The purpose of this site is to provide the public with information on the requirements for assessing students with significant cognitive disabilities (SwSCDs) using Montana's Alternate Assessments, the statewide data analysis and use plan, guidance for student identification, and the OPI's recommendations for providing staff and student support on these Alternate Assessments. This site is intended to provide information to the public on the public comment timelines and how the public can engage in the discussion through the Public Comment Process.

In accordance with Section 8401 of ESEA-ESSA, the OPI is charged with providing notice to the public and reasonable opportunity for the public to comment on state waivers. The notice and opportunity for comment will be facilitated using methods the OPI customarily uses for notice and the input.

The OPI will make reasonable efforts to ensure representative participation in the process across stakeholders and meaningful consultation. These efforts will include persons that may be significantly affected by the changes. (See the Outreach Page for more information on notice to stakeholders).

Q: What is the purpose of public comment?

A: Public participation matters. Your input will help the OPI address real-world concerns and understand how stakeholders feel about the proposed One Percent Data Analysis and Use Plan and the Alternate Assessment Eligibility Guidelines. Your ideas will strengthen the quality and relevance of resources to support the creation and implementation of the plan.

Any comments on these policies should be directed to OPIAssessmentHelpDesk@mt.gov.

Q: How do we intend to use the feedback?

A: The OPI intends to use the comments to inform next steps including using the comments to strengthen the quality and relevancy of the policies and procedures and to identify state-provided resources to support the implementation of the rules.

Q. How do I engage in public comment?

A: The OPI is hosting a 1-hour webinar on December 9, 2021 at 3:00 PM. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, submit comment on the policies for assessing students with significant cognitive disabilities using Montana's Alternate Assessments. The OPI will share its statewide data analysis and use plan, public comment timelines, new guidance "Alternate Assessment Eligibility Guidelines" to solicit feedback and comment from participants.

Make sure your voice is heard by taking the following actions:

  1. Attend the 1-hour webinar on December 9, 2021 at 3:00 PM. Go to the December 9 Webinar Page to access materials shared at this meeting.

  2. Email at OPIAssessmentHelpDesk@mt.gov.

  3. Complete the Public Comment Survey.

  4. Submit comments on the new Alternate Assessment Eligibility Guidelines, Appendix A, and Appendix B. [Note: anyone with these linked documents can comment on them directly.]

Q. What are the public comment requirements?

A: Read more about this topic on the A. What are the Public Comment Requirements? page.

Webinar materials will be posted on the Dec. 9 Webinar Page and details about this topic are found in the Staying Informed Page.

Please see individual pages within this site for more information about the OPI's public notice and comment process. We recommend you navigate this site in sequential order using the left-hand menu to navigate. To learn more about the public comment process, proceed to the "Public Comment Survey" page.