

Accreditation Data.pdf

Accreditation Data

Alignment of 55, 53, and 54.pdf

Alignment of 55, 53, and 54

Ch 55 ARM - Full Text.pdf

Ch 55 ARM - Full Text

Chapter 55 ARM Mastersheet

Chapter 55 ARM Mastersheet

Economic Impact Statement Report Accreditation Process - Student Performance Standards May 2019.pdf

Economic Impact Statement

Final Accreditation Process Negotiated Rulemaking Committee Report 4-30.._.pdf

Final Accreditation Process Negotiated Rule Making Committee Report


MCA - Accreditation

Ch. (final draft)4.13.22.docx

Negotiated Rule Making Definitions - Working Copy 4.13.22

10.55.602 Definitions_5.10.22.pdf

Negotiated Rule Making Definitions - Working Copy 5.10.22

NRM Recommendations_6.9.22.pdf

Negotiated Rule Making Recommendations - Updated 6.9.22

School Quality Informal Interview responses

School Quality Informal Interview Responses

NRM Superintendent Recommendations.pdf

Superintendent Recommendations - First Set

MASTER Chapter55.pdf

Superintendent Recommendations - Second Set

Task Force Framework.pdf

Task Force Framework

TF Review_Supt NRM Recommendations.pdf

TF Review of Superintendents Recommendations

Working Copy_Conceptual Memorandum_School Quality Task Force.docx

WORKING COPY - Conceptual Memorandum

Presentation_2022_URBAN_MontanaOPI2 (002).pdf

Financial Literacy Presentation

NRM Recommendations_7.15.2022.pdf

NRM Recommendations 7.15.22

Articles & Research

K-12 Accreditation's Next Move

(Click image to go to article)

Analysis of Accountability and School Quality Policies in Montana_12.12.19.docx

An Analysis of School Quality and Accountability Rules in Montana

Region 17 research on K12 accreditation, accountability, improvement and innovation.docx

Region 17 Research on K12 Accreditation, Accountability, Improvement, and Innovation

CC State Accreditation Scan 12-16-21update.docx

CC State Accreditation Scan 12-16-21 Update

Wisconsin Center for Education Research

*Resource from Renee' Schoening


Public comment

2.17.22_Flo Kiewel_General.pdf

Flo Kiewel


4.1.22_Angela Archuleta_Librarians.pdf

Angela Archuleta

Librarian Ratio

4.1.22_Kit Stephenson_Librarians.pdf

Kit Stephenson

Librarian Ratio

4.4.22_Dana Carmichael_Librarians.pdf

Dana Carmichael

Librarian Ratio

4.4.22_Gary Carmichael_Librarians.pdf

Gary Carmichael

Librarian Ratio

4.19.22_Robert Moore_Cognia.pdf

Robert Moore


4.19.22_Shelly Weight_Librarians.pdf

Shelly Weight

Librarian Ratio

4.25.22_Andrea Doles_Librarians.pdf

Andrea Doles

Librarian Ratio

4.25.22_Angela Giono_Librarians.pdf

Angela Giono

Librarian Ratio

4.26.22_Mikayla Threadgoode_Librarian.pdf

Mikayla Threadgoode

Librarian Ratio

4.29.22_Brent Edgmond_Librarians.pdf

Brent Edgmond

Librarian Ratio

4.29.22_Ceilon Aspensen_Librarians.pdf

Ceilon Aspenson

Librarian Ratio

4.29.22_Jason Hill_Librarians.pdf

Jason Hill

Librarian Ratio

4.29.22_Lori Hodges_Librarians.pdf

Lori Hodges

Librarian Ratio

4.29.22_Nancy Robinson_Librarians.pdf

Nancy Robinson

Librarian Ratio

4.29.22_Wendi Graves_Librarians.pdf

Wendi Graves

Librarian Ratio

5.2.22_Andrea Feige_Librarians.pdf

Andrea Feige

Librarian Ratio

5.2.22_Christine Kombol_ Librarians.pdf

Christine Kombol

Librarian Ratio

5.2.22_Kirk Vriesman_Librarians.pdf

Kirk Vriesman

Librarian Ratio

Amy Andreas_Librarians.pdf

Amy Andreas

Librarian Ratio

Anna Meadows_Librarians.pdf

Anna Meadows

Librarian Ratio

5.4.22_Angela Archuleta_Librarians.pdf

Angela Archuleta (2)

Librarian Ratio

5.13.22_Jennifer Hossack_Librarian.pdf

Jennifer Hossack

Librarian Ratio

5.16.22_Avi Katz_Librarians.pdf

Avi Katz

Librarian Ratio

5.16.22_Julie Whitworth_Librarians.pdf

Julie Whitworth

Librarian Ratio

5.16.22_Kristi Laib_Librarians.pdf

Kristi Laib

Librarian Ratio

5.16.22_Alia Hanson_Librarians.pdf

Alia Hanson

Librarian Ratio

5.16.22_Christi Williams_Librarians.pdf

Christi Williams

Librarian Ratio

5.16.22_Cynthia McBride_Librarians.pdf

Cynthia McBride

Librarian Ratio

5.16.22_Dana Carmichael_Librarians.pdf

Dana Carmichael (2)

Librarian Ratio

5.16.22_Heather Fisher_Librarians.pdf

Heather Fisher

Librarian Ratio

5.16.22_Lauren Miller_Librarians.pdf

Lauren Miller

Librarian Ratio

5.16.22_Lizbeth Barnea_Librarians.pdf

Lizbeth Barnea

Librarian Ratio

5.16.22_Sharon Hecker_Librarians.pdf

Sharon Hecker

Librarian Ratio

Ch55 Public Comment_Staffing Ratios.pdf

Staffing Ratios

5/17 - 5/19

Ch55 Public Comment_Electives and General_Pt2.pdf

Electives and General

Received May 19th

Ch55 Public Comment_Library Media Specialists.pdf

Library Media Specialist Comment

5/17 - 5/19

Public Comment_5.25_6.1.pdf

Public Comment


Public Comment_6.2_6.9.pdf

Public Comment


Public Comment_6.9_6.16.pdf

Public Comment

6/10 - 6/15

Public Comment_6.24_7.5.pdf

Public Comment

6/24 - 7/5

Public Comment_6.16_6.23.pdf

Public Comment

6/16 - 6/23