Yellow 1

Ms. Nikki Staying fit with Yellow1


Use an edible item like pudding to paint with at home. If it's vanilla pudding add food coloring for bright colors like red and green!

Make edible play dough!!!!!!

Story Time: Baby at the Farm with Ms. Ebony

Can you name your Yellow 1 friends?

Read aloud with Ms. Ebony 4/8/20

water play

Fill a small bowl or container with water. Place different size sponges inside. Encourage child to squeeze the water out the sponge.

*fine motor skills

*cause and effect

*Knowledge of the natural world

Just kicking it

Lay your baby on his or her back. Place a cookie sheet or pizza pan up against the wall or sturdy furniture near infant. Allow the infant to kick the pan and watch their facial expressions as they hear the sound it makes.

*gross motor

*cause and effect

*Curiosity and initiative in learning

music and movement


*language development

*Interest in Literacy

Can you name that sound?

4/15 Read a loud Grandma Loves me!


Hand your child a kitchen utensil like a long spoon or spatula. Turn over pots, pans or bowls and allow them to turn them into drums.

*cause and effect

*symbolic play

Bubble solution

2 cups of liquid dish soap (Joy or Dawn brand)

3/4 cup corn syrup

5 cups water

plastic container

Mix corn syrup in water until dissolved next add dish soap. Blow your bubbles and encourage your child to pop them. You can also use words like look "behind" you or it's "beside" you.

*attention maintenance

* Interaction with familiar adults

DIY Lift the Flap Book with Post-Its

You can use a simple book "first Words" book or a book that has a lot of pictures. Just Covered a few of the pictures on each page with Post- its notes. You can use different size Post-its notes depending on the size of of the pictures. This activity is fun and a easy prep. Your child will have fun turning the pages and pulling up the Post-it Notes. This activity works on Fine Motor Skills( turning pages and pulling up Post-Its ). and Help Build Vocabulary.

Balloon kicking

loosely tie a balloon to each ankle and watch your baby marvel at them dance as your child kicks their feet.Here's the Disclaimer this activity is used before your child starts to mouths/ grasp objects and before they start rolling over. Once you see these skills emerging discontinue this activity your child's safety comes first.

If you're happy and you know

Ms.Nikki's Monday Morning Yellow 1 Greeting

Music and Movement with Ms. Cindy!

We'll be making music together via Zoom! Kiddos of all ages and their family members are welcome to join! We will have fun connecting to each other and get creative making music. Can't wait to see you there!

When: Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:30am


Meeting ID: 654 345 6533

Password: ob123

Email Questions to: Music Therapist Cindy-


Read-a-loud with Ms. Ebony

Ms. Nikki's Read A loud

"I Love You Through and Through"

How to make Moon Sand

8 cups of flour

1 cup of baby oil

scoop the flour into a bowl

pour in the baby oil in the bowl

then mix until combine

ready to have fun

really soft and easy to clean up

Ms. Nikki's Yellow 1 Hello Cheer 4/24/2020

A non-cooking cooking activity with Ms. Ebony.


Color sorting

Materials needed

*box of cereal

*dixie cups or paper plate

Place a different color cereal in each cup. Encourage your child to repeat the name of each color. As the child picks up a cereal help them figure out where is the matching colors. This will also help with their pincer grasp. When complete you can count a loud how many were in each cup.


* fine motor

*number sense of quantity


Materials needed

  • a ball

  • a basket

Grab a basket and allow your child to try and throw the ball inside of it. Good indoor activity and a way to get them moving.

  • spatial awareness

  • gross motor manipulative skills

Infant activity Can you hear it?

Materials needed



*something that shakes

(you can place beans or rice in a empty bottle or container to make a shaker)

Hold your baby in your lap or lay them down on the floor. Shake the item on the side by their ear and see if the child looks toward the sound. Ask them can you hear that? is it by your ear? Is it loud or quiet? If they begin to smile say "I see you smiling are you happy?" To start identifying and naming emotions.

*attention maintenance

*gross locomotor skills

*social and emotional understanding

Ms. Nikki and Elmo's Monday Morning Greeting

4/29/20 Read-a-aloud Ms. Ebony

Ms.Nikki's 2 Liter bottle activity

5/1/20 Friday activities with Ms. Ebony

Ms. Nikki's Wednesday Read A Loud "llama llama red pajama"

Monday greeting with Ms. Ebony

5/4/2020 Ms. Nikki's Monday Morning Greeting

Ms. Nikki's Read A Loud Gossie & Friends Say Good Night

Wednesday Read-a-loud 5/6/20

with Ms. Ebony

Ms. Nikki's and Elmo's Friday Morning Mighty Minute

You Help Me & I Help You

Blowing bubbles with Ms. Ebony.

Monday Greeting 5/11/20

Wednesday Read-a-loud

Ms. Nikki's Yellow 1 Monday Morning Greeting 5/11/2020

Ms. Nikki's Wednesday Morning Activity


Ms. Nikki's Friday Morning Read A Loud

Counting to 10 with Ms.Ebony and friend. 5/15/20

Message from Big Bird 5/18/20

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

materials needed

  • you

  • your child

Place your child in your lap, and sing the song row, row, row your boat. As you move your arms in a rowing motion. Change the words from row to tug or rock your boat. As you do the named motions.

  • Relationships with familiar adults

  • Intrest in Literacy

Toddlercise (toddler exercise)

materials needed

  • you

  • your child

  • music

Let's get moving!!!!!! For those who need support parents hold their hands as you do these exercise. Encourage your child to stand and balance on one foot then alternate feet. Then ask your child to jump up and down. Next, have them run in place for 5 -10 seconds. You can also use a walking or push toy for support.

For infants: lay baby on their back or tummy and stretch out one leg/arm at a time as you count to 10 alternate legs/arms.

  • Perceptual-Motor Skills

  • Gros locomotor movements skills

This week we will focus on germs and the importance of handwashing. Here's an experiment you can do at home with your toddlers.

A fun song about handwashing.

Greeting video from Ms. Ebony

Copy each other

Materials needed

  • you

  • your child

  • scarves or other small items

Invite your child to imitate your actions. You make a silly face or smile and see if they will mimic you. As they make the same faces label them "oh I see you are smiling too."

  • Imitation

  • Relationships and social interactions with familiar adults

  • Understanding of language (receptive)

Wednesday read-a-loud with

Ms. Ebony 5/20/20

Germs are not for sharing!

Morning Greeting from Ms. Ebony

Dear Zoo read-a-loud

Mystery box

Materials needed

  • box or container

  • items safe for touching

  • you

  • your child

Place one or multiple items inside the box and have your child to reach inside and feel them. Ask questions like " what do you feel?" "Is it soft?" "Is it big or small?" Encourage reciprocal communication.

  • reciprocal communication and conversation

  • curiosity and initiative learning

  • inquiry through observation and investigation

Tummy time activity

Materials needed

  • small toys or book

  • your baby

  • flat surface for baby to lay on

Place baby on tummy and place toys on the side and in front of them. Prompt them to reach out or turn on their belly to reach the items. Always stay close to baby during tummy time.

  • Gross motor manipulative skills

  • Gross locomotor movement skills

Freeze Dance with Ms. Ebony, Ms. Nikki and Blue 3 friends!

Friday activity 5/29/20

Weekly Reading with Ms. Ebony

Duck and Goose Colors

Sensory bags for infants

Materials needed

  • Gallon ziploc bags

  • shampoo

  • water

  • cotton balls

  • leaves

  • flowers

  • duct tape

  • scissors for cutting tape

You can fill the bags with as much or as little items as you want. Try mix and matching items. One example is a nature sensory bag. Place leaves and flowers inside the ziploc bag. press all the air out. Once bag is zipped closed reinforce it with some duct tape. Since infants like to put everything in their mouths this is a safe and fun way to explore for them. Lay baby on his or her tummy and hand them the bag to explore. With any activity always stay close to baby. You can use descriptive words like that flower is soft, that leaf is crunchy. You can name colors with them of the items as well.

  • knowledge of the natural world

  • curiosity and initiative learning

Wednesday read-a-loud with Ms.Ebony

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Our conferences will be held via zoom or face-time. No need to set up a time or date we can just work them in to our weekly meetings. If your child is on site be on the look out for a text so we can setup a date and time for you.

Wednesday read-a-loud with Ms. Ebony

Sticker collage

Materials needed

  • stickers (can be brought for $1 at the dollar stores)

  • paper

Offer your child some stickers ( I would suggest stickers that are raised or 3D like) to help the peel them off. Assist when needed help place stickers on their paper.

fine motor skills

attention maintenance

6/24/20 read-aloud