What does "Custom Count and Sum" do?

The 'Custom Count and Sum' add-on includes ten custom functions that will expand the functionality of the built-in functions. They will allow the user to sum/count background colors, font colors and styles (italic, bold, underline and line-through) and even a combination of color and style (i.e. count all values with a red font color that are bold). Also included are two '3D' functions that will make it possible to count or sum a certain range on all (or some) sheets/tabs within the same spreadsheet without the need for complex formulas.

The add-on uses

  • the class SpreadsheetApp
    • to create a menu
    • to access the data (and formatting) of the range(s) inside the spreadsheet, the custom functions need to compute.
  • the class HtmlService
    • to show a sidebar, holding information/documentation of the custom formulas included in the add-on.

In this process, no user information is collected, stored or used otherwise. Authentication of the Add-on is solely based on this use-case and scope.


The Custom Formulas themselves are constructed in such a way that they only use pure Google Apps Script JavaScript. Even services that do not require authentication are omitted, to avoid user data being stored elsewhere.


Custom Count and Sum - FAQ