Leadership Opportunities
National Youth Science Camp
This camp is open to current Juniors and Seniors. 2 Students from Alabama will be selected to participate, free of cost. Application Deadline is February 28th.
Girls Steps, Inc.
Membership into Girls STEPS, Inc. is now open and we are asking for your assistance with guiding girls into our program.
The mission of Girls STEPS, Inc. is to inspire, motivate and encourage school aged girls into thinking outside of the box by exposing them to various culturally enriched activities. This is done through group sessions, mentorship, travel, and self-reflection.
Additional information about our organization can be found at www.gstepsinc.org.
Applications are available online.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority: Delta G.E.M.S.
Delta G.E.M.S. is designed for young women aged 14-18, providing a program that fosters leadership and personal growth. Our goal is to empower young ladies who might face barriers due to gender, income, or other factors, helping them develop confidence, problem-solving skills, and a vision for their futures.
Applications are due by FRIDAY OCTOBER 4, 2024

Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Seminar (HOBY)
HOBY is a State-wide Leadership Seminar open to current Sophomores. It will be held at Troy University from May 23-25, 2025. OHS Counselors will nominate 1-2 current Sophomores as representatives of our school. To be considered, students must complete and return the application no later than November 22nd, 2024. See the attached poster for information and click on the link to see the application information.
2024 Greater Peace Youth Leadership Academy
Any student in grades 9-12 are welcome to attend
Meets on Monday nights from 5:30-7:00; Dinner is provided
Scholarships are available for those who complete the program!
2024 Greater Peace
Youth Leadership Conference
Limited Space Available!!!!
For grades 6-9 only!
October 15-16, 2024
Register at the link listed on the flyer
Alabama Boys State
The American Legion believes that the survival of our republic rests on training our youth in the ideals and objectives of American government. Boys State is a unique summer program that does not rely on lectures and textbook scenarios, but hands on experience and participation in a model state government. The program teaches that the preservation of our democracy depends on informed citizens electing responsible officials to administer our government.
Alabama Boys State is one of the highest honors granted to Alabama students. Young men from across the state are chosen based on their demonstration of leadership. hard work, strong morals, and motivation in school and community activities. Boys State week is a full and active week held on the campus of Troy University.
Application due to the Counseling Department on May 2nd.