
Room 125

Welcome to Kindergarten!

We're so glad you're here! On this site, you will find information about our schedule, curriculum, news, and general resources. Please check the calendar regularly for updates or subscribe to it for easy access in your calendar app. 

For day-to-day updates, student work, and lots of pictures be sure you are connected to Seesaw. Seesaw is also the best way to reach us (think of it as your FastPass for contacting us)! Additionally, keep an eye out for the weekly newsletter that will be shared each week.

Mrs. Tatro
Ms. Weigel

Is your Child In our class?

We're looking forward to getting to know your child and your family! Please get a head start by clicking these two links and filling out the forms. Thank you!

Books About Kindergarten

Wish Lists

We LOVE books! If you would like to help grow our class library you can check out our wish list here. If you'd like some other ideas for supporting our classroom, check out our general wish list here

Hall of Fame

A group picture of Mrs. Tatro's kindergarten class from 2019-2020 gathered on the playground equipment.