Family Activities

Trivia questions:  Students will have an opportunity to answer questions to win prizes! Work together as a family to prepare.

Trivia questions (These are POTENTIAL questions, each school may choose different ones!):

Monday 4/1 - clue day

Tues 4/2 - pages 1-16

Who is writing letters to Res throughout the book?

What do the humans call the white hazmat suits they wear around the rover?

Wed 4/3 - p17-30

Which scientist writes code that Res likes because, as Res explains, “I always understand what she is asking me to do” and “I trust her code more than anything”?

Who created the phrase “beeps and boops”?

Thurs 4/4 -p31-44

What is the nickname the hazmats call the landing of a rover on Mars?

Fill in the missing word: Journey says that "Human feelings are ______________."

Fri 4/5 p45-61

What is Rania’s nickname for Sophia?

What is the abbreviation for the part of Res that protects his brain?

Mon 4/8 p62-75

Which state in the US will the rovers launch from when they're ready for the trip to Mars?

What do the hazmats sometimes call the Mars dust storms?

What helps Res forget about the dark circles under Xander's eyes and being nervous?

Tues 4/9 p76-89

In what language is the song Rania plays for Res the night before launch?

Who is Fly?

How much does Rania think it will cost to bring back Res after the mission is complete?

Wed 4/10 p 93-112

What kind of cookies does Sophie’s dad keep making for her mom because they are her favorite?

Who is the "test bed rover?"

What does Sophie think of when she is nervous?

Thurs 4/11 p 113-127

What song does Res teach Fly in the rocket?

What does Res use to navigate and is his “map to Mars”?

Fri 4/12 p128-148

What are the first two colors that Res sees as he parachutes to the surface of Mars?

What is Guardian?

Mon 4/15 p149-166

What are Res and Fly afraid of and really want to avoid?

What do Res and Fly exclaim when they see the stars for the first time?

What does Res want to be able to bring back home?

Tues 4/16 p167-181

Sophie quits soccer and joins which club at her school?

What is the name of the rover Fly finds that went offline in a dust storm years before?

Instead of saying Beeps and Boops, what new phrase does Res make up to say?

Wed 4/17 p182-195

What kind of samples has Res been collecting when he uses his laser to drill?

What part of Res makes loud groans and squeals when he gets stuck?

Thurs 4/18 p196-208

Guardian suggests that Res move his wheels in what shape so that he can get unstuck?

Res is very excited to explore what kind of new formation Fly sees?

Friday 4/19 p209-218

What human feeling does Res experience when they take the long route and the ground grows more difficult to traverse?

Guardian tells Fly that he is very ________.

After the dust storm, how long does it take Res to get to Fly?

Mon 4/22 p219-234

Fill in the blank (it’s the same word): “I am better than okay. I am pretty sure you just told me I’m going to get to return to Earth.” “It is a _____,” Guardian says. _____ is a very good word.

What does Res find in a rock sample that makes him very excited?

Tues 4/23 p235-246

According to Res, what is the strangest and best human emotion? 

What kind of drink does Sitti drink at the hospital?

Wed 4/24 p247-270

What part of the mesa is Res most interested in?

What word does Res repeat over and over again before the blank?

How long has it been since Sophie's first letter?

Thurs 4/25 p275-283

Whose face does Res see first when he comes back online?

Which other robot was Res reunited with? 

Fri 4/26 p284-294

What is Res's new home?

Journey says that "Small humans are always __________."

Art activities to do at home

Watch this video and create your very own recycled robot!

Make a robot out of playdough and decorate it with pipe cleaners, paper clips, screws, washers, and whatever else you have laying around the house! 

Make a life-sized magnetic robot using recycling and leftover cans! 

Use marshmallows, pretzels, and candy to make your own edible robot! 

Make a gliding robot! 

More books about robots

Check out some more picture books and chapter books about robots below!