
About the OOJH PTA

The Old Orchard Junior High (OOJH) PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) is part of a national organization that has been in existence for more than 100 years. The PTA helps bridge the gap between home and school so that parents and teachers can collaborate to do what is best for all of our children.

Research shows when parents are involved in the education of their children, students do better. Grades and test scores increase while discipline problems decrease. Hundreds of studies over the past 30 years prove children with involved parents are more likely to graduate and go on to higher education.

Joining the PTA is a great way for parents to be involved in our school.

PTA helps plan fun programs for students such as the back-to-school picnic, teacher appreciation lunch, winter fest, trivia night, graduation reception, and so much more, but we need all hands on deck.

Don’t have time to volunteer? There are other ways to participate. Donations are always welcome. The yearly PTA dues are only $10 per family.

Your PTA membership allows us to be advocates for all of our children. The PTA gives us a voice in state and national government.

Please contact us with your ideas, suggestions, and questions at president@oojhpta.org.

Thank you!

Who we are

Meet your PTA officers for the 2021-22 School Year!

Julie Oh



Dena Lichterman

Vice President

Carrie Rojas


Jenny Chang


Lillian Johnston

Communications / Website

Michelle Agbodza

Spirit Wear

Annie Sindelar

Restaurant Nights

Candace Britton

Cultural Arts



Bonnie Ognisanti

Last Day of School Party


Teacher Appreciation Week

Julie Oh & Lucie Noonah

8th Grade Graduation Events

Patti Elliott

Welcome Back Picnic

Michelle Agbodza


Trina Janes

Audit Committee


8th Grade Reception