Google Classroom

Hello, dear students!

To start working in Google Classroom you shall follow two conditions:

1) you must have an account in the domain NU OLA (

2) the professor have to invite to any course

Sources for education


Some Excellent Resources for Google for Education for Teachers and Admins

Google for Education, which includes G Suite for Education, Chromebooks, and content, is one of the most popular, and most updated, platforms for education. Here are some great resources for IT, Teachers, Students and more.

Google for Education main site:

Getting started with G Suite for Education:

G Suite for Education:


Google Device Showcase - Chromebooks, Chromeboxes and more

Google for Education Transformation Center - resources, examples and tips for transforming your classroom and school

Class Content: - content and apps that have been approved by Google

Benefits of Google Apps and Chromebooks - lots of resources, tips and ideas

Google Apps Administrator Help Site - for G Suite Admins

Google Chrome for Education Help Site - for Admins

Apps Status Dashboard (shows issues and outages) - for Admins

Google for Education Training Center - excellent resource for teachers on using Google Apps in the Classroom