Books and Themes by Week

Here are some of the books I may choose and the themes I will be using in the library.  These are subject to change, however, since teachers sometimes ask for support and some weeks I may not post. Thank you for you kind understanding.

5/9/23 Digital literacy and citizenship

We will be looking this week at online safety and literacy using videos from

Great resource for teachers and parents, alike!

5/5/23 It has been a minute since I have updated these.  We have done some really fun activities and books together, including reading some books just for fun by Mo Willems, looking at shapes and drawing with Lois Ehlert, and doing an activity this week on gratitude.  Time is flying by.  What an honor to spend it with these kiddos!

Week of 3/7/23  Your Name is a Song!  We read this lovely book and then we made bookmarks with our names on them, and looked up what they meant!  

Weeks of 2/20 and 2/27/23  Introduction to my website and the Google classroom resources.

Installation of the video equipment in Phoenicia was complete, so we explored resources online together, including TheKidShouldSeeThis, which curates wonderful video.

Week of 2/13/23  Love is in the air!  We'll look at Patricia MacLachlan's All the Places I Love  to start the conversation about all the different kinds of love, and how we feel it.  Matt de la Pena's LOVE is another great choice to jumpstart or continue that discussion, and we'll share that one, too, if we have time.  Love is everywhere in our lives, if we look for it. I hope you are feeling loved, too.

Week of 2/6/23

We had so much fun with our author spotlight in Phoenicia, we'll be doing that in Woodstock this week, and we'll be revisiting Amy Krause Rosenthal!  I got a shipment of books with two really great ones, It's Not Fair!  (K-1) and This Plus That  (2-3) and we'll be doing some activities together based on the books.

For Phoenicia, we'll choose another author to spotlight.  (thanks snow days!)  

Thank you, lovely families, for your continued support and kindness.  Please remember that if a book is lost, you DO NOT HAVE TO PAY OR REPLACE IT. Just send me a note to let me know, and I will take care of it for you.  I just need an adult in the home to validate that the book is indeed missing before I delete it from the system.

Week of 1/30/23

More mixed up lessons, thanks to snow days.  I'll be finishing up the Fiction  vs. NON game with Woodstock, and then moving on to an author spotlight with Phoenicia this week. TBD.  

Week of 1/23/23

This snowy week, we'll revisit fiction vs. non-fiction.  Classes who did not have the lesson planned for last week will get that one.  Classes who were able to get last week's lesson will get a quick review and then a game...Fiction or NON? geared to their grade level with example books from the shelves, with a review of where in the library the book lives.  Hopefully.  If the weather allows....I miss my kiddos.....xo

Week of 1/17/23

Fiction vs Non-Fiction!

Students will be looking at a variety of books (we'll tour some book bins together) to solidify our understanding of fiction and non-fiction, and for bigger kids, we'll get into some nuances--hybrid non-fiction,  narrative non-fiction, and sub-genres, like poetry, and mythology.  We'll also learn  how to spot them.  We'll look at where these are kept in the library, and how they are classified, too. 

Week of 1/9/23

Honoring Dr. King! We'll  be reading various books from our display about Dr. King this week, from the classic Martin's Big Words to I am Enough by Grace Byers, and for the big kids, a touch of tough history with Let the Children March, Freedom on the Menu, and This School is Not White, all true stories from the Civil Rights Movement. 

Week of 1/3/23

Hiya!  I normally post on Mondays...but we didn't have Monday, so it slipped my mind.  Sorry about that.  I may not always post, but I will do my best as a courtesy to families and colleagues.

This week we'll be doing author spotlights for Leo Leonni and Bill Peet.  We'll use these wonderful authors to review book sense and our enjoyment of books and ease back into the New Year.

Week of 12/19/22

Winter and the solstice!

This week we'll read Dear Rebecca, Winter is Here by local author Jean Craighead George, and then we'll look at various non-fiction books about winter talk about the solstice, happening this week! 

Week of 12/12/22

Periodicals!  This week we'll learn about magazines, peruse the periodicals in the library, and then we'll learn the procedures for accessing them during class time.  Students will have opportunities to browse these excellent resources during our "book exchange" and "book look" times from now on.

Week of 12/5/22

We'll be looking at friendship some more with an author spotlight on Amy Krouse Rosenthal's Spoon and Chopsticks,  and perhaps some other works by her as well. 

Week of 11/28/22

Friendship!  We'll look at a few books dealing with friendship, and how to repair a bump in the road with a good friend.  Among them is Rita & Ralph's Rotten Day and George and Martha.

Week of 11/14/22

Gratitude!  We'll look at several books this week dealing with thankfulness in several cultures. Choices include Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message, Thanking the Moon: Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, Thanks for Thanksgiving, and Thank You, Omu!    Students will be encouraged to identify things they are thankful for, big and small.

Veterans' Day Special

Among other sources, we'll be taking a look at Tuesday Tucks Me In, a great little book about how service dogs help veterans who return from hard service.

Week of 11/7 /22

I'll be celebrating Native American Heritage Month with students and reading from Giveaways,  a nonfiction book about the many words in our language with Native American roots.  Brave Wolf and the Thunderbird is a lovely folktale with a lesson about how smarts can help solve problems....even if you are a huge, magical creature.  Other choices include We All Play, a bilingual book by an indigenous author, and First Laugh, Welcome Baby!  about the beautiful tradition of the Dine people who welcome babies in a lovely way.