University Policies

Academic Integrity

Students and faculty at UOIT share an important responsibility to maintain the integrity of the teaching and learning relationship. This relationship is characterized by honesty, fairness and mutual respect for the aims and principles of the pursuit of education. Academic misconduct impedes the activities of the university community and is punishable by appropriate disciplinary action.

Students are expected to be familiar with UOIT’s regulations on Academic Conduct (Section 5.16 of the Academic Calendar) which sets out the kinds of actions that constitute academic misconduct, including plagiarism, copying or allowing one’s own work to copied, use of unauthorized aids in examinations and tests, submitting work prepared in collaboration with another student when such collaboration has not been authorized, and other academic offences. The regulations also describe the procedures for dealing with allegations, and the sanctions for any finding of academic misconduct, which can range from a written reprimand to permanent expulsion from the university. A lack of familiarity with UOIT’s regulations on academic conduct does not constitute a defense against its application.

Further information about academic misconduct can be found in the Academic Integrity link on your laptop. Extra support services are available to all UOIT students in academic development, study skills, counseling, and peer mentorship. More information on student support services can be found in the Academic Calendar (Section 8).

Missed Course Work

If a student has missed coursework (e.g., quizzes, in-class exercises, assignments) that is less than 26% of the final grade due to physical or psychological illness, she or he must submit a UOIT Medical Statement Form directly to the course instructor within 3 days of the missed due date. Note: The medical statement form must be signed by the treating physician or licensed practitioner within 24hrs of the missed date or deadline. If a student has missed coursework (e.g., quizzes, in-class exercises, assignments) that is less than 26% of the final grade due to exceptional circumstances, the student must submit a UOIT Academic Consideration Form, along with supporting documentation, directly to the course instructor within 3 days of the missed due date. Course instructors will review the documentation and inform the student of the outcome of their request in writing via email or blackboard. All missed coursework worth less than 26% will be handled directly by the course instructor for consideration and resolution. It will be at the course instructor’s discretion to determine how the missed work will be addressed and resolved (e.g., penalties, re-writes, make-ups, extension, alternate assignment, etc.).

If a student has missed coursework (e.g., quizzes, in-class exercises, assignments) that is equal to or higher than 26% of the final grade due to physical or psychological illness, the student must submit a UOIT Medical Statement Form to the FSSH Academic Advising Office within 3 working days of the missed due date. Note: The medical statement form must be signed by the treating physician or licensed practitioner within 24hrs of the missed date or deadline. If a student has missed coursework (e.g., quizzes, in-class exercises, assignments) that is equal to or higher than 26% of the final grade due to exceptional circumstances, she or he must submit an Academic Consideration Form, along with supporting documentation, to the FSSH Academic Advising Office within 3 days of the missed due date. The Academic Advising Office will review the documentation and inform the student of the outcome of his or her request in writing via email. It will be at the course instructor’s discretion to determine how the missed in-term exam will be addressed and resolved (e.g., make-ups). The most recent version of all forms can be found on MyCampus under the ‘UOIT Documents’ tab or on the website at The UOIT grading policy can be found at the following:

Religious Observance

If a student is requesting consideration for a religious observance for missed coursework (e.g., quizzes, in-class exercises, assignments) that is less than 26% of the final grade, she or he must submit a UOIT Academic Consideration Form directly to the course instructor 7 working days prior to the due date. Course instructors will review the form and inform the student of the outcome of their request in writing via email or blackboard. All missed coursework worth less than 26% will be handled directly by the course instructor for consideration and resolution. It will be at the course instructor’s discretion to determine how the missed work will be addressed and resolved.

If a student is requesting consideration for a religious observance for any in-term exam (irrespective of weight) or missed coursework (e.g., quizzes, in-class exercises, assignments) that is equal to or higher than 26% of the final grade, she or he must submit a UOIT Academic Consideration Form to the FSSH Academic Advising Office 15 working days prior to the exam date. The Academic Advising Office will review the form and inform the student of the outcome of his or her request in writing via email. It will be at the course instructor’s discretion to determine how the missed in-term exam will be addressed and resolved (e.g., make-ups).

If a student is requesting consideration for a religious observance for a final exam, she or he must apply for a deferral using the Application for Deferred Final Examination and a UOIT Academic Consideration Form 15 working days prior to the first final examination date. The most recent version of all forms can be found on MyCampus under the ‘UOIT Documents’ tab or on the website at

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

UOIT is governed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”). In addition to providing a mechanism for requesting records held by the university, this legislation also requires that UOIT not disclose the personal information of its students without their consent.

FIPPA’s definition of “personal information” includes, among other things, documents that contain both your name and your Banner ID. For example, this could include graded test papers or assignments. To ensure that your rights to privacy are protected, the Faculty of Social Science & Humanities encourages you to use only your Banner ID on assignments or test papers being submitted for grading. This policy is intended to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of your information where graded papers are returned to groups of students at the same time. If you still wish to write both your name and your Banner ID on your tests and assignments, please be advised that UOIT will interpret this as an implied consent to the disclosure of your personal information in the normal course of returning graded materials to students.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to the new policy or the issue of implied consent addressed above, please contact the UOIT Chief Privacy Officer at