
Continue your chats right from the web browser, with the instant messaging service offered by Web Whatsapp. Exchange media, make- Voice & Video calls and share media with your contacts. Logging into the web.whatsapp.com is an easy to do process. 

Scan Web Whatsapp QR Code

Alternative Way:  If you're unable to login web.whatsapp.com using QR Code then you must do it with Phone number. And it will deliver you a code, enter it and proceed with Sign-in process.

In what ways Whatsapp web make chatting interesting?

Delve into the pleasure of chatting, through web browser with the web version of Whatsapp. This offers you mind blowing options to chat your known ones. Here are the ones which you can send while chatting- 

Share your emotions through fascinating Stickers, Emojis and images. This makes conversation a little more interesting and better. Besides, you can also add up other files in different formats.

Instantly react to messages and chats to promote a healthier conversation with your loved ones. Reactions are delightful mode to express your response and mood. This brings emotions to your chat.

Share your thoughts to people by putting a Caption with the media you send them. Give  while messaging 

Creating a fascinating Avatar on your Profile is a fun. This reflects your personality with the features you have chosen. Stepwise choose the features and look for your appropriate Avatar. 

Share your life events and amazing experiences with your friends and known ones by posting a Status. With this you can connect with your friends & dear ones that makes your conversation more interesting.

Customers feel free to ask queries and talk to the Businesses. With the emerging option, businesses are accelerating higher and attaining customers support. 

What other services does Whatsapp offer?

In addition to chatting and media sharing features web.whatsapp.com has many more options to go with. This includes different payments options, community building and Business account setup. 

Make Payments to your contacts using the in-chat payments feature. This is based on UPI to transact amount from your account attached with it. Remain assured of Secure Payments processes via End-to-end encryption feature. Besides, proceed with the 2-Factor Authentication and fraud detection technique. 

Along with this, it safely transfers amount between banks.

Join people from different spheres of world or local region through Community. Streamline chats using an Announcement banner. 

Give wings to your business, speed up your sales and drive customers support from Whatsapp business account. Build long lasting impact on your audience by retaining their faith in you. 

 Last words

With Whatsapp web version you can easily chat with your friends and known ones. By scanning the QR code available to you at the Whatsapp login screen, you can sign-in your Whatsapp account. Start chats, media & message delivery through web whatsapp. If you face any issue while signing into your Whatsapp account, restarting device, clearing cache or deactivating some browser's extensions will sort out it for you.